[PLEASE ALWAYS ANSWER TO THE LIST, NOT TO ME ALONE] (You'd think people would figure out by themselves...) > I have examined the informations in the BIOS setup : > - Temperature warning 70?C/158?F > - CPU (CON2) Temperature : N/A > - System temperature : varies from 31?C to 32?C > - CPU Fan : 0 RPM > - Chassis Fan : 0 RPM > - VCore : varies from 1.63V to 1.64V > - 3.3V : varies from 3.36V to 3.37V > - +5V : stable 5.16V > - +12V : varies from 11.97 to 12.03 V > - -12V : stable -12.03 V > > I have also installed livewiredev under Windows, withe the same > results > > So I have modified sensors.conf to ignore fans, in6 and temp1 and the > output is conform to the BIOS information. So my theory was exact, nothing was wrong, only unused sensors. > For information, I had a problem in the installation : > the script lm_sensors.init contains a line : > . /etc/init.d/functions > but in Slackaware I don't have a directory /etc/init.d > so I had to modify this script to define echo_failure() and > echo_success() This script is intended for Red Hat-like distributions, which Slackware isn't. That's why the script isn't installed by default on non Red Hat-like systems. By the was, Slackware users are supposed to be clever enough to tweak the initscripts by themselves to make them work for their system (Slackware user speaking ;)). -- Jean Delvare http://www.ensicaen.ismra.fr/~delvare/