LM85 Sensor (fwd)

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----- Forwarded message from Margit Schubert-While -----

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Date: Wed, 12 Feb 2003 14:01:45 +0100
To: frodol at dds.nl
From: margitsw at t-online.de (Margit Schubert-While)
Subject: LM85 Sensor
cc: phil at netroedge.com
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	I took a shot at the LM85 found on eg. Intel D845PE MB among
	At the moment, this is read-only, providing values for voltages,
	temps, fans, status in /proc/...

	There are "ifdefs" for the I2C ID and SYSCTL's, so doesn't rely
	on changes in the normal include files.
	"inttemp" is the LM85 temp.
	"proctemp" is the processor temp.
	"remtemp" is the temp at the edge of the keep-out zone.
	The rest are obvious.

	The 2V5 reading, at first glance, looks weird, however it is correct.
	The 845PESV has 1V5 here, although the scale muliplier is still 250.

	Register definitions are complete, based on the Nat Sem specs at :



	lsmod :
Module                  Size  Used by    Not tainted
lm85                    5204   0  (unused)
i2c-proc                7120   0  [lm85]
i2c-dev                 4420   0  (unused)
i2c-i801                4756   0  (unused)
i2c-core               14856   0  [lm85 i2c-proc i2c-dev i2c-i801]

/proc/sys/dev/sensors # ls
	chips  lm85-i2c-0-2e

/proc/sys/dev/sensors/lm85-i2c-0-2e # ls
	12v  3v3  alarms   fan1  fan3  inttemp   remtemp
	2v5  5v   corevcc  fan2  fan4  proctemp  vccp

cat 12v
	0.00 15.93 12.00
cat 2v5
	0.00 3.32 1.49
cat 3v3
	0.00 4.38 3.24
cat 5v
	0.00 6.64 5.05
cat alarms
cat corevcc
cat fan1
	0 4112
cat fan2
	0 0
cat fan3
	0 1301
cat fan4
	0 1097
cat inttemp
	-127 127 32
cat proctemp
	-127 127 34
cat remtemp
	-127 127 31
cat vccp
	0.00 2.98 1.45 

[ Attachment, skipping... ]
----- End of forwarded message from Margit Schubert-While -----

Frodo Looijaard <frodol at dds.nl>  PGP key and more: http://huizen.dds.nl/~frodol
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