Apart from the problem I am having with the as99127f, make install isn't putting the drivers where the docs say they go. buss drivers end up in ../../kernel/drivers/i2c (which I then have to mv to ../i2c/busses, and chip drivers end up in ../../kernel/drivers/sensors (which I mv to ../i2c/chips, thenm do a depmod -ae. I may not be compiling correctly. The inline comments in Makefile confuse me as to whether I want the kernel modules or not. -- Ed Harrison, broadcasting on _ | | | | | | | |___ || ||\\ || || || \\// |_____||| || \\|| ||_|| //\\ by SuSE(8.1), Kernel 2.4.19, X 4.2 or Windows98 (running in vmware 3.2)