For a second there, I thought it was lm-sensors which was included. Nice to get the I2C update in there in any case. BTW- Mark, have you had a chance to play with a sample of that chip yet? Also, it sounded like DMI detection was nearly complete? Phil On Thu, Aug 29, 2002 at 01:51:32PM -0700, phil at wrote: > > Wow. Very, very cool. :') > > > Phil > > On Wed, Aug 28, 2002 at 10:02:50PM -0400, Mark D. Studebaker wrote: > > Great job Albert! > > -- > Philip Edelbrock -- IS Manager -- Edge Design, Corvallis, OR > phil at -- > PGP F16: 01 D2 FD 01 B5 46 F4 F0 3A 8B 9D 7E 14 7F FB 7A -- Philip Edelbrock -- IS Manager -- Edge Design, Corvallis, OR phil at -- PGP F16: 01 D2 FD 01 B5 46 F4 F0 3A 8B 9D 7E 14 7F FB 7A