> "Dr. Markus Ammer, Ingenieurb?ro Ammer" wrote: > > Hello, > > System :Athlon 1000 system (motherboard Asus A7V VIA KT133) > Sensor: as99127f > OS SuSE Linux 7.2, Kernel 2.4.16 > sensors version 2.6.0 > > > 1) sensors-detect does not work correctly. known problem with Asus boards. > > > 2) temp2 (CPU) obviously is double the raw value. > LVCool-Idle loop temp2 = 35,5?C (BIOS) 18 (raw) (36?C WinNT) > 100% load temp2 = 50?C (BIOS) 25 (raw) (50?C -"- ) > fix in sensors.conf. > > 3) I do "modprobe w83781d" in a startup script Is there a devicename /dev/xyz which is connected from sensors ? > no, sorry, there isn't.