Hello, On this website (http://linuxfr.org/2002/01/11/6644,0,0,0,1.php3 - sorry, it is in french), a person has announced that he has written a small application (http://coredump.free.fr/linux/hddtemp-0.2.tar.gz) to read temperature of IDE disk drives, using the S.M.A.R.T. function. Maybe, it can be integrated into lm-sensors, so a lot of applets using lm-sensors (for kde, gnome or window-maker) can see the hard disk temperatures. But this application doesn't use the I2C or lmbus, so I don't know if it is easily integrable into lm-sensors. So I want to have your opinion about that. Aurelien P.S. : Sorry for my bad English