Re: [RFC] Add target module check before livepatch module loading

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Hi, Petr!

> The work with the elf sections is tricky. I would prefer to add
> .srcversion into struct klp_object, something like:
> struct klp_object {
> /* external */
> const char *name;
> + const char *srcversion;
> struct klp_func *funcs;
> struct klp_callbacks callbacks;
> [...]
> }

In fact, I have a though in mind that we can easily use the 
srcversion in `struct module` like:

struct module {
    enum module_state state;

    /* Member of list of modules */
    struct list_head list;

    /* Unique handle for this module */
    char name[MODULE_NAME_LEN];

    /* Module build ID */
    unsigned char build_id[BUILD_ID_SIZE_MAX];

    /* Sysfs stuff. */
    struct module_kobject mkobj;
    struct module_attribute *modinfo_attrs;
    const char *version;
    const char *srcversion;
    struct kobject *holders_dir;

    /* Exported symbols */
    const struct kernel_symbol *syms;
    const u32 *crcs;
    unsigned int num_syms;

becase when we are loading a livepatch module, the syscall `init_module`
will be called and we can check the srcversion here.

What I want to do in the elf section is that I want to add a new section
to store the target module src version inside. 

> It would be optional. I made just a quick look. It might be enough
> to check it in klp_find_object_module() and do not set obj->mod
> when obj->srcversion != NULL and does not match mod->srcversion.
> Wait! We need to check it also in klp_write_section_relocs().
> Otherwise, klp_apply_section_relocs() might apply the relocations
> for non-compatible module.

As previously mentioned, if we can check the srcversion when calling
the syscall `init_module`, refuse to load the module if the livepatch
module have srcversion and the srcversion is not equal to the target
in the system. Can it avoid such relocations problem?

> Another question is whether the same livepatch could support more
> srcversions of the same module. It might be safe when the livepatched
> functions are compatible. But it would be error prone.
> If we wanted to allow support for incompatible modules with the same
> name, we would need to encode the srcversion also into the name
> of the special .klp_rela sections so that we could have separate
> relocations for each variant.

I am not sure if supporting more srcversions is necessary. Because 
I can't find a senario that more than one version of a module are running
in the system at the same time.

> Alternative: I think about using "mod->build_id" instead of "srcversion".
> It would be even more strict because it would make dependency
> on a particular build.
> An advantage is that it is defined also for vmlinux,
> see vmlinux_build_id. So that we could easily use
> the same approach also for vmlinux.
> I do not have strong opinion on this though.

Petr, using "mod->build_id" instead of "srcversion" may not be good.
Because livepatch can not only handle the function in vmlinux but also
the function in modules.

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