Re: [LSF/MM/BPF TOPIC] xfstests: Centralizing filesystem configs and device configs

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"Darrick J. Wong" <djwong@xxxxxxxxxx> writes:

> On Sat, Feb 01, 2025 at 10:23:29PM +0530, Ojaswin Mujoo wrote:
>> Greetings,
>> This proposal is on behalf of Me, Nirjhar and Ritesh. We would like to submit
>> a proposal on centralizing filesystem and device configurations within xfstests
>> and maybe a further discussion on some of the open ideas listed by Ted here [3].
>> More details are mentioned below.
>> ** Background ** 
>> There was a discussion last year at LSFMM [1] about creating a central fs-config
>> store, that can then be used by anyone for testing different FS
>> features/configurations. This can also bring an awareness among other developers
>> and testers on what is being actively maintained by FS maintainers. We recently
>> posted an RFC [2] for centralizing filesystem configuration which is under
>> review. The next step we are considering is to centralize device configurations
>> within xfstests itself. In line with this, Ted also suggested a similar idea (in
>> point A) [3], where he proposed specifying the device size for the TEST and
>> SCRATCH devices to reduce costs (especially when using cloud infrastructure) and
>> improve the overall runtime of xfstests.
>> Recently Dave introduced a feature [4] to run the xfs and generic tests in
>> parallel. This patch creates the TEST and SCRATCH devices at runtime without
>> requiring them to be specified in any config file. However, at this stage, the
>> automatic device initialization appears to be somewhat limited. We believe that
>> centralizing device configuration could help enhance this functionality as well.
>> ** Proposal ** 
>> We would like to propose a discussion at LSFMM on two key features: central
>> fsconfig and central device-config within xfstests. We can explore how the
>> fsconfig feature can be utilized, and by then, we aim to have a PoC for central
>> device-config feature, which we think can also be discussed in more detail. At
>> this point, we are hoping to get a PoC working with loop devices by default. It
>> will be good to hear from other developers, maintainers, and testers about their
>> thoughts and suggestions on these two features.
>> Additionally, we would like to thank Ted for listing several features he uses in
>> his custom kvm-xfstests and gce-xfstests [3]. If there is an interest in further
>> reducing the burden of maintaining custom test scripts and wrappers around
>> xfstests, we can also discuss essential features that could be integrated
>> directly into xfstests, whether from Ted's list or suggestions from others.
>> Thoughts and suggestions are welcome.
> Considering all the questions downthread, I'm wondering, are you just
> going to stuff all the known configs into a single configs/default file
> and then modify known_hosts() to set HOST_OPTIONS to that?

In the last approach that's what we were doing. However since check
script only consider 1 exclusive config file for looking into into the
device settings and sections, that forces the users to pass device
settings separately. Not an elegant solution.

> 	[ -f /etc/xfsqa.config ]             && export HOST_OPTIONS=/etc/xfsqa.config
> 	[ -f $HOST_CONFIG_DIR/default ]      && export HOST_OPTIONS=$HOST_CONFIG_DIR/default
> 	[ -f $HOST_CONFIG_DIR/$HOST.config ] && export HOST_OPTIONS=$HOST_CONFIG_DIR/$HOST.config
> Then configs/default contains things like:
> [xfs_nocrc]
> MKFS_OPTIONS="-m crc=0"
> Would that work for running configurations in this manner:
> 	./check -s xfs_nocrc -g all
> ?

I am discussing another approach in my last response to Dave. i.e. Let's
maybe define 1 config file for all fs sections e.g. configs/all-fs.config. 
We then need to modify the check script to continue allowing the use of the
HOST_OPTIONS provided config file while also supporting an additional
config file passed via the -c option via cmdline.

That way users can continue to use their local.config file as is but can
also find additional sections to test if they pass 
-c configs/all-fs.config file.


     ./check -c configs/all-fs.config -s xfs_nocrc -g all

where all-fs.config would have defined the [xfs_nocrc] section.

> (I am completely ignorant of config files and never use them.)

So you have your custom local.config file defined somewhere which you
always use for testing? What's your setup like in terms of different fs
& device configurations to test?
(both your local setup for fstests testing and ci setup which you use)

> --D

Thanks Darrick for looking into this :)


>> ** References **
>> [1]
>> [2]
>> [3]
>> [4]

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