Hi Team, Is there any method/tool available to explicitly mark XFS file extents as written? One approach I am aware is explicitly zeroing the entire file (this file may be even in hundreds of GB in size) through synchronous/asynchronous(aio/io_uring) mechanism but it is time taking process for large files, is there any optimization/approach we can do to explicitly zeroing file/mark extents as written? Synchronous Approach: while offset < size { let bytes_written = img_file .write_at(&buf, offset) .map_err(|e| { error!("Failed to zero out file: {} error: {:?}", vol_name, e); })?; if offset == size { break; } offset = offset + bytes_written as u64; } img_file.sync_all(); Asynchronous approach: Currently used fio with libaio as ioengine but results are almost same. -- Thanks& Regards, M.Sai Chaithanya.