Hi xfs folks, I have been trying xfs filesystem consistency for a snapshot use case. I tried using xfs_freeze before taking snapshot, but xfs_repair shows the filesystem as in consistent. I will write the steps below: 1. I have a block volume provisioned by OpenEBS Mayastor as backend. Let's say the blockdevice is nvme0n1 2. I created a filesystem mkfs.xfs -f nvme0n1. 3. I mounted the filesystem on mydir. 4. I ran fio --verify_dump=1 --bs=4096 --random_generator=tausworthe64 --rw=randrw --ioengine=libaio --iodepth=16 --verify_fatal=1 --verify=crc32 --verify_async=2 --name=benchtest0 --filename=mydir/test --time_based --runtime=60 --size=120M 5. Now while fio is in progress I issued xfs_freeze -f mydir 6. Took the block level snapshot. 7. I unfroze the filesystem xfs_freeze -u mydir 8. I let the fio application complete. 9. Now while checking the filesystem consistency on the snapshot, using xfs_repair. I issue xfs_repair -n loop8, where loop8 is my snapshot filesystem 10. I get the below The filesystem has valuable metadata changes in a log which is being ignored because the -n option was used. Expect spurious inconsistencies which may be resolved by first mounting the filesystem to replay the log. What am I doing wrong here? Is this way of checking filesystem consistency incorrect? I have noticed that even without any operation the filesystem gets reported as inconsistent, for example issuing a simple xfs_freeze on a newly created xfs filesystem volume and then unmounting and running xfs_repair -n somedevice also shows up as inconsistent. I would like some inputs here. Please pardon if some of the commands above look funny as the delivery system is not letting me send the content. Thanks, Abhinandan