It's confusing.
My FAST '15 paper was co-authored with AdvFS developers from the HP
Storage Division. The paper mentions the open-source release of AdvFS.
There's not a lot of recent activity on open-source AdvFS:
One thing is certain, however: HP did not "abandon" AdvFS in 2008. At
the time of my FAST paper it was used under the hood in HP products and
was being actively developed internally. See Section 3 of the FAST paper.
The whole point of the paper is to describe a new (internal-only) AdvFS
I'm pretty sure (relying on memory) that the changes to AdvFS made by HP
between 2008 and 2015 did not find their way into the open-source release.
On Sat, 17 Dec 2022, Mike Fleetwood wrote:
On Fri, 16 Dec 2022 at 01:06, Terence Kelly <tpkelly@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
(AdvFS is not open source and I'm no longer an HP employee, so I no
longer have access to it.)
Just to put the record straight, HP did (abandon and) open source AdvFS
in June 2008.
It's available under a GPLv2 license from