Hi, I saw some info about hybird xfs wih ssd/hdd by realtime subvol. Hybrid XFS―Using SSDs to Supercharge HDDs at Facebook https://www.usenix.org/conference/srecon19asia/presentation/shamasunder There are some questions about how to control the data to save into normal vol or realtime subvol firstly. 1, man xfsctl here is XFS_XFLAG_REALTIME in man xfsctl of xfsprogs 5.0 , but there is no XFS_XFLAG_REALTIME in xfsprogs 5.14/5.19. xfsctl(XFS_XFLAG_REALTIME) will be removed in the further? 2, Is there some tool to do xfsctl(XFS_XFLAG_REALTIME)? 3, we build a xfs filesystem with 1G device and 1G rtdev device. and then we can save 2G data into this xfs filesystem. Is there any tool/kernel option/kernel patch to control the data to save into normal vol or realtime subvol firstly? Best Regards Wang Yugui (wangyugui@xxxxxxxxxxxx) 2022/08/29