Hi folks, FYI, almost the entire West Coast of the Untied States is on fire right now[1], with major fires burning out of control 30 miles south of here. The L3 evacuation zone (aka "GTFO NOW") is still 12 miles distant[2]. This all comes down to wind velocity. I'm skeptical that the fires are going to burn through 30 miles of suburb all the way to my house, but if you haven't heard anything from me by a week from now, it will be reasonable to conclude that I've fled somewhere. At this point, I've distractedly pushed out 5.10 merge branches for iomap and xfs to kernel.org. They're missing willy's THP series, the V4 deprecation patch, and a couple of bug fixes; with any luck I'll land those for the post-rc6 push. SO, if something big comes up and nobody can get ahold of me, please lean on Dave and Eric. Though to put this in perspective, the primary maintainer of the upstream kernel lives 6 miles away, so if I've gone, chances are decent he's left too. With any luck, next week will be boring AF and all of this will just be me blathering on hysterically. :) --D [1] https://cdn.star.nesdis.noaa.gov/GOES17/ABI/SECTOR/pnw/GEOCOLOR/20202551956_GOES17-ABI-pnw-GEOCOLOR-2400x2400.jpg [2] https://ccgis-mapservice.maps.arcgis.com/apps/webappviewer/index.html?id=fe0525732f1a4f679b75a5ccf1c84b30