Hi everyone, I propose that we hold our own virtual XFS developer summit. Physical proximity is way too risky for the forseeable future, so let's make do with online discussions and conferencing. LSFMM 2020 was officially cancelled a short time ago. Unlike in-person events, we cannot pin everyone into a single time zone for an extended meeting, and we can't have a hallway BOF. On the plus side, we can finally invite /everyone/ to the table! Let's use this email thread to make a list of topics for future discussions. I can think of a few topic categories to start: 1. Development process problems that people would like to address. 2. Matching patch authors with patch reviewers. 3. Old features that we ought to retire. 4. New feature development roadmap. 5. Anything else that people think is important. Once we have a list of specific topics matched with people who are interested in that topic, I think it best to start each of those conversations in separate threads on linux-xfs where everyone can see them. If the participants feel that they'd get more out of an interactive session, we have plenty of options for doing that: The first option of course is the IRC channel (#xfs on freenode) from which it is easy to paste the irc logs into linux-xfs for archiving and further public comment. For actual video conferencing, we also have tools such as Jitsi, BigBlueButton, BlueJeans, and Zoom. I'm willing to sit in on video meetings to take notes for linux-xfs and/or post the recordings online. As a side note for anyone wanting to take advantage of videochats -- I'd prefer to keep this to one hourlong meeting per day. Please remember this is not an edict passed on from high to shake up everything; it is merely this maintainer suggesting that we explore other tactics for building things together. In the end, everything that goes into making decisions still must be communicated via linux-xfs, and patches still have to earn Reviewed-by tags. We do, however, have flexibility in how we get there. Here are some topics that have been mentioned to me at least in passing over the last few months. I'll start the first five topics since they're the ones I was going to put on the agenda for an XFS meeting at LSFMM until that all blew away. - Refactoring the Review Process (me, Eric, Dave) - Deferred inode inactivation and nonblocking inode reclaim (me, Amir) - 64bit timestamps (me, Amir) - Atomic extent swaps (me) - Online fsck (me) - Deprecating the v4 format (Dave) - Parent Pointers (Amir) - Range Locks (Amir) - DAX bashing session (Dan) - Widening the inode fork extent counters (Chandan) - Dirty buffer region bitmap tracking (Chandan) - Add your pet item here! :) Thoughts, suggestions, and flames appreciated! --D