Hello Brian, Cristoph,
Thank you for your responses.
The search overhead could be high due to either fragmented free space or
perhaps waiting on busy extents (since you have enabled online discard).
Do you have any threads freeing space and waiting on discard operations
when this occurs? Also, what does 'xfs_db -c "freesp -s" <dev>' show for
this filesystem?
I disabled the discard, but the problem still happens. Output of the freesp
command is at [1]. To my understanding this means that 60% of the free space
is 16-31 continuous blocks, i.e., 64kb-124kb. Does this count as a
fragmented free space?
I debugged the issue further, profiling the xfs_alloc_ag_vextent_near() call
and what it does. Some results:
# it appears to not be triggering any READs of xfs_buf, i.e., no calls to
xfs_buf_ioapply_map() with rw==READ or rw==READA in the same thread
# most of the time (about 95%) is spent in xfs_buf_lock() waiting in
"down(&bp->b_sema)" call
# the average time to lock an xfs_buf is about 10-12 ms
For example, in one test it took 45778 ms to complete the
xfs_alloc_ag_vextent_near() execution. During this time, 6240 xfs_buf were
locked, totalling to 42810 ms spent in locking the buffers, which is about
93%. On average 7 ms to lock a buffer.
# it is still not clear who is holding the lock
Cristoph, I understand that kernel 3.18 is EOL at the moment, but it used to
be a long-term kernel, so there is an expectation of stability, but perhaps
not community support at this point.
from to extents blocks pct
1 1 155759 155759 0.00
2 3 1319 3328 0.00
4 7 13153 56265 0.00
8 15 152663 1752813 0.03
16 31 143626908 4019133338 60.17
32 63 1484214 72838775 1.09
64 127 9799130 876068428 13.12
128 255 1929928 310722786 4.65
256 511 150035 49779357 0.75
512 1023 26496 19658529 0.29
1024 2047 27800 41418636 0.62
2048 4095 26369 77587481 1.16
4096 8191 13872 80270202 1.20
8192 16383 6653 77527746 1.16
16384 32767 4384 100576452 1.51
32768 65535 3967 200958816 3.01
65536 131071 1346 127613203 1.91
131072 262143 753 141530959 2.12
262144 524287 473 168900109 2.53
524288 1048575 202 147607986 2.21
1048576 2097151 65 95394305 1.43
2097152 4194303 16 42998164 0.64
4194304 8388607 5 26710209 0.40
total free extents 157425510
total free blocks 6679263646
average free extent size 42.4281
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