I tokk some time to setup an automated build for every push to our
wpan-tools repo.
As we are using GitHub I went with Travis CI which tightly integrates
with Github and
solves the problem for us without running our own hardware.
For now we only do compile testing with gcc and clang. If someone has an
interest to
extend this let me know.
Another functionality we use from Travis is the automated submit of
builds to the
Coverity Scan service to run a static analysis over our code. This
already found some
small issues which are fixed now.
We do only submit pushes to a branch called coverity_scan. This avoids
the overkill
of submitting every push to master and also helps to submit our code
before it even
hits master. You should be able to register at Coverity and request
access to our
defects if you want to see what is going on there. Nothing to do right
now but that
could change. :)
Stefan Schmidt
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