On 11/24/2011 07:03 AM, Jan Dvořák wrote:
On Wed, 23 Nov 2011 12:41:34 -0600
Larry Finger<Larry.Finger@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
I can't still use hostapd, however.
Hmm, I'm not sure if rtl92c works in AP mode, Larry?
When I try it, I get rtl8192cu to beacon, and it is possible to authenticate and
associate, but the second computer never gets an IP number.
Even without DHCP, no traffic ever comes through. Plus from here it looks like
the client is reconnecting (quickly, let's say once per 5s) to no end.
So, how do I debug this properly? Can I turn on some kind of verbose mode?
Is there a way to sniff the communication (kismet or something)?
You could look at what the device is putting on the air with kismet or
wireshark. Another option would be to see the flow through the driver by loading
the driver with the debug option. The maximum debug level of 5 is likely too
much output, but using 4 should be OK. You need a recent kernel to use this
option. I'm not sure if it is in 3.1 or not. Use 'modinfo rtl8192cu' to see the
module parameter list.
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