I don't know if I shoul report this error (bug?) here or to kernel
bugzilla, but let's try here first!
First of all, this: http://bugzilla.kernel.org/show_bug.cgi?id=12234 is
what I tried to do before looking at compat-wireless and since it wasn't
working, I tried with compat-wireless.
I made to tries with compat-wireless, version 2008-12-10 and 2008-12-11.
In the first try I used the default config.mk (except
CONFIG_MAC80211_LEDS set to "n" because it gave me problems compiling),
the second one compiling only the ipw2200 driver (I don't need all the
In both tries, I was able to "make" and "make install" it, but during
"make load" the kernel panics and it doesn't reboot (I can take a
picture of the error). In the second try, make load was triing to load
ipw2100, too, giving a fatal error because I didn't compile it (I don't
need it!).
The console output of make load is something like:
loading ipw2100
loading ipw2200
and then the kernel panic.
Is this a peculiar problem of mine or a module problem? If the first is
true, may you help me?
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