Hello. I need to limit a wifi adapter to using 1M to 2M because this and another chipset (rtl8187l) have better reception fidelity at those bitrates which is important when creating a mile-long link. I have used this successfully for years using an older kernel using the argument: iwconfig wlan0 rate 2M auto However a solution using the new method using iw wlan0 set bitrates has evaded me. I have tried various incantations which don't seem to work even when they go through without error. Firstly, nothing works unless I reset the interface: > ifconfig wlan0 down;iwconfig wlan0 mode Managed;ifconfig wlan0 up Then I *quickly* have to set the bit rate. Interestingly, the old iwconfic line above also executed without error, although it doesn't seem to do what is intended. Anyway I'll enter a line like: > iw wlan0 set bitrates legacy-2.4 1 ht-mcs-2.4 0 or > iw wlan0 set bitrates legacy-2.4 1 2 ht-mcs-2.4 0 1 2 (or iw dev, not sure what the difference is) and again, it will enter without issue but the bitrate does not get constrained. If I try to enter ANY of the above lines (including the iwconfig one) some time after a connection is established, I get the command failed: Invalid argument (-22) error. Same exact command, syntax, and options but this time I get an error. To get around the error I have to take down the interface and put it back up, although again I don't get the expected behavior. Any help would be appreciated! Unfortunately, I can't use the decade old Linux kernel, which worked as intended, as backporting everything else would be just about impossible. -Ball