the GSoC organization team is running 4 panel sessions where mentors can
ask the panel of 4 experienced mentors. Each of the 4 sessions is about
a different subject matter and with a different group of panelists. The
panelists are long-term mentors which have stepped up voluntarily to
help the new or less experienced mentors (but experienced ones can also
The first episode takes place tomorrow, Thursday, Feb 22:
Managing inquiries of potential GSoC contributors
Mentor discussion panel:
Time: Thursday, Feb 22 1600 UTC
Join: https://meet.google.com/gxe-jiqf-pwc
Please prepare your questions, this is interactive, not just to watch.
All registered mentors who did not opt out of the mentors mailing list
get the announcements for the 4 sessions via the list, but as many of
you did not register as mentor yet, I am informing you separately right now.
I hope this will help you through your GSoC mentoring task.