Hi, I'm trying to extend the rtw88 driver to support the rtl8723cs card used in the Pinephone, with its rtl8703b chip. The code is far from ready for review (I'm halfway into chip initialization so far, look at [1] if you like), but I'd like to ask a few question to avoid wasting time. 1) The 8703b chip is pretty similar to the already supported 8723d, I can directly reuse some functions defined in rtw8723d.c (e.g. efuse parsing). Would moving those to a shared support module ("rtw88_87x3" or similar) be acceptable? If not, what's the recommended approach? 2) I'm currently using firmware extracted from the (not in mainline and likely never will be) rtl8723cs driver [2], where it's stored as u8 arrays in source with GPL license header. Do you know if that'd be acceptable for linux-firmware? Ping-Ke, from your mail address I'm guessing you work at Realtek, is there any chance to get 8703b firmware released directly? As a fallback, could the driver be accepted if people will still need to get firmware separately? 3) Finally, licensing: Are GPL-only module/chip drivers for rtw88 acceptable? A shared support module would of course stick with the current dual license. Thanks and best regards, Fiona [1] https://github.com/airtower-luna/linux/tree/rtw88_8723cs/drivers/net/wireless/realtek/rtw88 [2] https://codeberg.org/megi/linux/src/branch/orange-pi-6.7/drivers/staging/rtl8723cs