On 8/30/2023 1:50 AM, Johannes Berg wrote:
This patch "[PATCH v3 2/9] wifi: cfg80211: save Power Spectral Density
(PSD) of the regulatory rule" does not have relation with concurrency.
Because it only add a field "s8 psd" into struct ieee80211_reg_rule
and ieee80211_channel. The psd value is same with other field such as
max_reg_power is also different value for AP and station mode in db.txt
for example:
"country TW: DFS-FCC" and "country US: DFS-FCC"
# 5.15 ~ 5.25 GHz: 30 dBm for master mode, 23 dBm for clients
So could you merge the "[PATCH v3 2/9] wifi: cfg80211: save Power Spectral
Density (PSD) of the regulatory rule" firstly?