On 4/13/23 14:47, Ben Greear wrote:
Hello, I did some testing with mtk7922 radios in AP mode today, on 6E band.
Err, I finally looked at the right piece of info after sending this. 7922 iw phy info indicates only 80Mhz supported in AP mode, but 160Mhz in STA mode. That would explain why I see strange issues I guess. Thanks, Ben
STA is an mtk7921 radio, and sniffer is also 7921. In 80Mhz mode, it seems to work fine, but when I tell AP to go to 160 Mhz mode, then it seems that AP cannot transmit data frame (properly) to STA. mtk7921 STA associates but will not get DHCP. Sniffing ap interface shows DHCP Discover and attempt to send DHCP response. Sniffer shows lots of RTS/CTS when AP should be sending DHCP response, but sniffer cannot decode any frames. Possibly AP is transmitting at 160Mhz, even though STA should not be advertising that it can do such since 7921 is 80Mhz max. An intel ax210 STA radio doesn't even show scan results when AP is in 160 Mode, but connects right away when AP is in 80Mhz mode. From what I can tell, the AP's beacon is also missing the sections that indicate it can do 160Mhz. I assume that should not keep it from sending data frames properly. And always possible I am screwing up the hostapd config, which is below. interface=vap922 driver=nl80211 logger_syslog=-1 logger_syslog_level=2 logger_stdout=-1 logger_stdout_level=2 ctrl_interface=/var/run/hostapd ctrl_interface_group=0 ssid=vap-mtk7922 bssid=3c:55:76:6d:ae:4f country_code=US ieee80211d=1 ieee80211h=1 ieee80211w=2 hw_mode=a beacon_int=100 dtim_period=2 max_num_sta=2007 rts_threshold=2347 preamble=0 macaddr_acl=0 auth_algs=1 ignore_broadcast_ssid=0 # Enable HT modes if you want 300Mbps+ throughput. #ht_capab=[HT20][HT40-][HT40+][GF][SHORT-GI-20][SHORT-GI-40] # [TX-STBC][RX-STBC123][MAX-AMSDU-7935][DSSS_CCK-40][PSMP][LSIG-TXOP-PROT] #ht_capab=[HT20][HT40+][HT40-][SHORT-GI-40][SHORT-GI-20][LDPC][TX-SDBC][RX-STBC1][DSSS_CCK-40] #vht_capab=[MAX-MPDU-11454][RXLDPC][SHORT-GI-80][TX-STBC-2BY1][RX-STBC-1][MAX-A-MPDU-LEN-EXP0][RX-ANTENNA-PATTERN][TX-ANTENNA-PATTERN][SU-BEAMFORMER][SU-BEAMFORMEE][MU-BEAMFORMER][VHT160-80PLUS80][MAX-A-MPDU-LEN-EXP7][BF-ANTENNA-2][SOUNDING-DIMENSION-2][BF-ANTENNA-3][SOUNDING-DIMENSION-3] wmm_enabled=1 wmm_ac_bk_cwmin=4 wmm_ac_bk_cwmax=10 wmm_ac_bk_aifs=7 wmm_ac_bk_txop_limit=0 wmm_ac_bk_acm=0 wmm_ac_be_aifs=3 wmm_ac_be_cwmin=4 wmm_ac_be_cwmax=10 wmm_ac_be_txop_limit=0 wmm_ac_be_acm=0 wmm_ac_vi_aifs=2 wmm_ac_vi_cwmin=3 wmm_ac_vi_cwmax=4 wmm_ac_vi_txop_limit=94 wmm_ac_vi_acm=0 wmm_ac_vo_aifs=2 wmm_ac_vo_cwmin=2 wmm_ac_vo_cwmax=3 wmm_ac_vo_txop_limit=47 wmm_ac_vo_acm=0 op_class=134 ieee80211ax=1 he_default_pe_duration=4 he_rts_threshold=1023 he_oper_chwidth=2 channel=33 he_oper_centr_freq_seg0_idx=47 supported_rates=60 90 120 180 240 360 480 540 ieee8021x=0 eapol_key_index_workaround=0 eap_server=0 own_ip_addr= wpa_pairwise=TKIP CCMP rsn_pairwise=CCMP sae_pwe=2 wpa_passphrase=lanforge wpa=2 wpa_key_mgmt=SAE Thanks, Ben