The db entry looks like this now country RU: DFS-ETSI (2402 - 2482 @ 40), (20) (5170 - 5250 @ 80), (20), AUTO-BW (5250 - 5330 @ 80), (20), DFS, AUTO-BW (5650 - 5730 @ 80), (30), DFS (5735 - 5835 @ 80), (30) # 60 GHz band channels 1-4, ref: Changes to NLA 124_Order №129_22042015.pdf (57000 - 66000 @ 2160), (40) This doesn't look correct. The regulation document is here According to the regulation document issued Feb 29 2016, there frequencies should look like this: country RU: (2402 - 2482 @ 40), (20) (5170 - 5330 @ 160), (23), NO-OUTDOOR (5650 - 5835 @ 160), (23), NO-OUTDOOR # 60 GHz band channels 1-4, ref: Changes to NLA 124_Order №129_22042015.pdf (57000 - 66000 @ 2160), (40), NO-OUTDOOR Note that there was never a DFS requirement in Russia, but always was NO-OUTDOOR on 5GHz. Maximum power is 200mW that is ~23dBm on all 5GHz channels. Also Russia has never been regulated by ETSI. If this looks good, I can send a patch if needed.