On 09/21/2017 03:07 AM, James Cameron wrote:
My test kernel "-qb" was write_readback = false in sw.c, with 8-bit
read of REG_DBI_RDATA, and has been stable for four hours. I'll focus
on some more testing of this one. It is a surprise.
http://dev.laptop.org/~quozl/z/1dutXk.txt (dmesg)
Observe how REG_DBI_FLAG+0 is briefly seen as 1, which doesn't happen
with write_readback = true.
Again, thanks for your efforts.
At this point, my system has been up over 17 hours without a single drop. As a
result, I will leave the reversion of commit 40b368af4b75 in place. It seems
safer than turning off write_readback. After we get more testing, that could
still be an option.