Hi, I'm having a hard time to figure out why RTS/CTS are happening in my network. In a nutshell, I'm using two identical OpenWRT routers to stablish a WDS link (4address mode) in 5GHz, with no other client nor AP in 5GHz. The problem is, a great amount of bandwidth is being consumed by RTS/CTSs. The point is, I'm pretty sure RTS threshold is disabled (set to -1); I've checked in hostapd configuration, as well as in the debugfs of the phy itself, being reported as -1. The device in question is TPLINK WDR4300, radio device AR9582 (168c:0033, subsystem 168c:a120), using driver ath9k. I'm using current LEDE 17.01.2, r3435-65eec8bd5f, kernel 4.4.71. I'm able to see RTS/CTS over the air (using Wireshark in a third device), but i can as well see an increasing number in /sys/kernel/debug/ieee80211/phy1/statistics/dot11RTSSuccessCount If I set RTS threshold (using iw, checking its value in debugfs) to a very low number (e.g. 50) I can see the counter increasing quite faster. I'm not sure if this is the expected behaviour (e.g. the underlying hardware is deciding by its own to do some RTS/CTS) or it is a bug. Can I make some further testing to clarify this? Thanks! JPantoja