Hi Johannes, Internally I am asked to look at "pmk plumbing" patches allowing firmware to deal with 4-way handshake. Now I noticed this topic being discussed during last wireless workshop in Santa Fe [1]. I do not recall any follow-up after that. At least no concrete patches, right? Also in wpa_supplicant there is already a solution using QCA vendor command. Should we aim to adopt just that or are there issues/requirements not covered by that. Regards, Arend [1] https://docs.google.com/document/u/1/d/e/2PACX-1vQXbVQ-3zQt3Bcr3OWfwzbw_C49tTvf0ed8Hmf7b20E6tXc3a40tWZmPku49iGDE-OhgxNmO_lkkHEn/pub#h.kj1rq2w7lxdv