Hi, Some weeks ago, I started looking into unassigned bugzilla bugs reported to wireless-drivers periodically to fish out the iwlwifi bugs. While doing this, I always bump into new bugs on other drivers, so I could easily reassign them to the appropriate owners for more visibility. So, if you are the maintainer of a wireless driver and want me to assign eventual bugzilla bugs to you when I see them, just let me know by telling me the email address to assign to and the tag you want added to the summary (e.g. we use "iwlwifi:" for our bugs). <disclaimer> Please note that this is a "service" that I will provide voluntarily and sporadically, without guarantees of any kind (e.g. I may stop doing this at anytime without further notice). </disclaimer> But I'll do my best to help. :) -- Cheers, Luca.