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Re: [PATCH iw 2/2] add WoWLAN net-detect trigger

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On 11/27/14 22:06, Luca Coelho wrote:
From: Luciano Coelho<luciano.coelho@xxxxxxxxx>

Adds a netdetect option to the wowlan triggers that allows the user to
request network detection to be started when the device goes to
suspend mode.

So it can start heating up my backpack when I get home. Nice ;-)


Signed-off-by: Luciano Coelho<luciano.coelho@xxxxxxxxx>
  event.c  |  30 ++++++++++-
  info.c   |   3 ++
  wowlan.c | 177 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
  3 files changed, 207 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)

diff --git a/event.c b/event.c
index 25f8099..99f9f15 100644
--- a/event.c
+++ b/event.c
@@ -200,7 +200,8 @@ static void parse_mic_failure(struct nlattr **attrs)

  static void parse_wowlan_wake_event(struct nlattr **attrs)
-	struct nlattr *tb[NUM_NL80211_WOWLAN_TRIG];
+	struct nlattr *tb[NUM_NL80211_WOWLAN_TRIG],
+		*tb_match[NUM_NL80211_ATTR];

  	printf("WoWLAN wakeup\n");
  	if (!attrs[NL80211_ATTR_WOWLAN_TRIGGERS]) {
@@ -227,6 +228,33 @@ static void parse_wowlan_wake_event(struct nlattr **attrs)
  		printf("\t* 4-way handshake\n");
  		printf("\t* RF-kill released\n");
+		struct nlattr *match, *freq;
+		int rem_nst, rem_nst2;
+		printf("\t* network detected\n");
+		nla_for_each_nested(match,
+				    rem_nst) {
+			nla_parse(tb_match, NUM_NL80211_ATTR, nla_data(match),
+				  nla_len(match),
+				  NULL);
+			printf("\t\tSSID: \"");
+			/* printf("len %d %p\n", nla_len(tb_match[NL80211_ATTR_SSID]), */
+			/*        nla_data(tb_match[NL80211_ATTR_SSID])); */
+			print_ssid_escaped(nla_len(tb_match[NL80211_ATTR_SSID]),
+					   nla_data(tb_match[NL80211_ATTR_SSID]));
+			printf("\"");
+			if (tb_match[NL80211_ATTR_SCAN_FREQUENCIES]) {
+				printf(" freq(s):");
+				nla_for_each_nested(freq,
+						    tb_match[NL80211_ATTR_SCAN_FREQUENCIES],
+						    rem_nst2)
+					printf(" %d", nla_get_u32(freq));
+			}
+			printf("\n");
+		}
+	}
  	if (tb[NL80211_WOWLAN_TRIG_WAKEUP_PKT_80211]) {
  		uint8_t *d = nla_data(tb[NL80211_WOWLAN_TRIG_WAKEUP_PKT_80211]);
  		int l = nla_len(tb[NL80211_WOWLAN_TRIG_WAKEUP_PKT_80211]);
diff --git a/info.c b/info.c
index 7499290..d934c58 100644
--- a/info.c
+++ b/info.c
@@ -455,6 +455,7 @@ broken_combination:
  			[NL80211_WOWLAN_TRIG_EAP_IDENT_REQUEST] = { .type = NLA_FLAG },
  			[NL80211_WOWLAN_TRIG_4WAY_HANDSHAKE] = { .type = NLA_FLAG },
  			[NL80211_WOWLAN_TRIG_RFKILL_RELEASE] = { .type = NLA_FLAG },
+			[NL80211_WOWLAN_TRIG_NET_DETECT] = { .type = NLA_FLAG },
  		struct nl80211_pattern_support *pat;
@@ -492,6 +493,8 @@ broken_combination:
  				printf("\t\t * wake up on 4-way handshake\n");
  			if (tb_wowlan[NL80211_WOWLAN_TRIG_RFKILL_RELEASE])
  				printf("\t\t * wake up on rfkill release\n");
+			if (tb_wowlan[NL80211_WOWLAN_TRIG_NET_DETECT])
+				printf("\t\t * wake up on network detection\n");
  			if (tb_wowlan[NL80211_WOWLAN_TRIG_TCP_CONNECTION])
  				printf("\t\t * wake up on TCP connection\n");
diff --git a/wowlan.c b/wowlan.c
index fc8e2c3..b52a4f9 100644
--- a/wowlan.c
+++ b/wowlan.c
@@ -181,6 +181,163 @@ static int wowlan_parse_tcp_file(struct nl_msg *msg, const char *fn)
  	return err;

+static int wowlan_parse_net_detect(struct nl_msg *msg, int *argc, char ***argv)
+	struct nl_msg *matchset = NULL, *freqs = NULL;
+	struct nlattr *nd, *match = NULL;
+	enum {
+	} parse_state = ND_TOPLEVEL;
+	int c  = *argc;
+	char *end, **v = *argv;
+	int err = 0, i = 0;
+	unsigned int freq, interval = 0;
+	bool have_matchset = false, have_freqs = false;
+	nd = nla_nest_start(msg, NL80211_WOWLAN_TRIG_NET_DETECT);
+	if (!nd) {
+		err = -ENOBUFS;
+		goto out;
+	}
+	matchset = nlmsg_alloc();
+	if (!matchset) {
+		err = -ENOBUFS;
+		goto out;
+	}
+	freqs = nlmsg_alloc();
+	if (!freqs) {
+		err = -ENOBUFS;
+		goto out;
+	}
+	while (c) {
+		switch (parse_state) {
+		case ND_TOPLEVEL:
+			if (!strcmp(v[0], "interval")) {
+				c--; v++;
+				if (c == 0) {
+					err = -EINVAL;
+					goto nla_put_failure;
+				}
+				if (interval) {
+					err = -EINVAL;
+					goto nla_put_failure;
+				}
+				interval = strtoul(v[0],&end, 10);
+				if (*end || !interval) {
+					err = -EINVAL;
+					goto nla_put_failure;
+				}
+				NLA_PUT_U32(msg,
+					    interval);
+			} else if (!strcmp(v[0], "match")) {
+				parse_state = ND_MATCH;
+				if (have_matchset) {
+					err = -EINVAL;
+					goto nla_put_failure;
+				}
+				i = 0;
+			} else if (!strcmp(v[0], "freqs")) {
+				parse_state = ND_FREQS;
+				if (have_freqs) {
+					err = -EINVAL;
+					goto nla_put_failure;
+				}
+				have_freqs = true;
+				i = 0;
+			} else {
+				/* this element is not for us, so
+				 * return to continue parsing.
+				 */
+				goto nla_put_failure;
+			}
+			c--; v++;
+			break;
+		case ND_MATCH:
+			if (!strcmp(v[0], "ssid")) {
+				c--; v++;
+				if (c == 0) {
+					err = -EINVAL;
+					goto nla_put_failure;
+				}
+				/* TODO: for now we can only have an
+				 * SSID in the match, so we can start
+				 * the match nest here.
+				 */
+				match = nla_nest_start(matchset, i);
+				if (!match) {
+					err = -ENOBUFS;
+					goto nla_put_failure;
+				}
+				NLA_PUT(matchset,
+					strlen(v[0]), v[0]);
+				nla_nest_end(matchset, match);
+				match = NULL;
+				have_matchset = true;
+				i++;
+				c--; v++;
+			} else {
+				/* other element that cannot be part
+				 * of a match indicates the end of the
+				 * match. */
+				/* need at least one match in the matchset */
+				if (i == 0) {
+					err = -EINVAL;
+					goto nla_put_failure;
+				}
+				parse_state = ND_TOPLEVEL;
+			}
+			break;
+		case ND_FREQS:
+			freq = strtoul(v[0],&end, 10);
+			if (*end) {
+				if (i == 0) {
+					err = -EINVAL;
+					goto nla_put_failure;
+				}
+				parse_state = ND_TOPLEVEL;
+			} else {
+				NLA_PUT_U32(freqs, i, freq);
+				i++;
+				c--; v++;
+			}
+			break;
+		}
+	}
+	if (have_freqs)
+		nla_put_nested(msg, NL80211_ATTR_SCAN_FREQUENCIES, freqs);
+	if (have_matchset)
+		nla_put_nested(msg, NL80211_ATTR_SCHED_SCAN_MATCH, matchset);
+	if (match)
+		nla_nest_end(msg, match);
+	nlmsg_free(freqs);
+	nlmsg_free(matchset);
+	nla_nest_end(msg, nd);
+	*argc = c;
+	*argv = v;
+	return err;
  static int handle_wowlan_enable(struct nl80211_state *state, struct nl_cb *cb,
  				struct nl_msg *msg, int argc, char **argv,
  				enum id_input id)
@@ -235,6 +392,17 @@ static int handle_wowlan_enable(struct nl80211_state *state, struct nl_cb *cb,
  					err = -ENOMEM;
  					goto nla_put_failure;
+			} else if (strcmp(argv[0], "net-detect") == 0) {
+				argv++;
+				argc--;
+				if (!argc) {
+					err = 1;
+					goto nla_put_failure;
+				}
+				err = wowlan_parse_net_detect(msg,&argc,&argv);
+				if (err)
+					goto nla_put_failure;
+				continue;
  			} else {
  				err = 1;
  				goto nla_put_failure;
@@ -286,7 +454,8 @@ static int handle_wowlan_enable(struct nl80211_state *state, struct nl_cb *cb,
  	return err;
  COMMAND(wowlan, enable, "[any] [disconnect] [magic-packet] [gtk-rekey-failure] [eap-identity-request]"
-	" [4way-handshake] [rfkill-release] [tcp<config-file>] [patterns [offset1+]<pattern1>  ...]",
+	" [4way-handshake] [rfkill-release] [net-detect interval<in_msecs>  [freqs<freq>+] [matches [ssid<ssid>]+]]"
+	" [tcp<config-file>] [patterns [offset1+]<pattern1>  ...]",
  	NL80211_CMD_SET_WOWLAN, 0, CIB_PHY, handle_wowlan_enable,
  	"Enable WoWLAN with the given triggers.\n"
  	"Each pattern is given as a bytestring with '-' in places where any byte\n"
@@ -301,7 +470,9 @@ COMMAND(wowlan, enable, "[any] [disconnect] [magic-packet] [gtk-rekey-failure] [
  	"  data.interval=seconds\n"
  	"  [wake=<hex packet with masked out bytes indicated by '-'>]\n"
  	"  [data.seq=len,offset[,start]]\n"
-	"  [data.tok=len,offset,<token stream>]");
+	"  [data.tok=len,offset,<token stream>]\n\n"
+	"Net-detect configuration example:\n"
+	" iw phy0 wowlan enable net-detect interval 5000 freqs 2412 2422 matches ssid foo ssid bar");

  static int handle_wowlan_disable(struct nl80211_state *state, struct nl_cb *cb,
@@ -352,6 +523,8 @@ static int print_wowlan_handler(struct nl_msg *msg, void *arg)
  		printf(" * wake up on 4-way handshake\n");
  		printf(" * wake up on RF-kill release\n");
+	if (trig[NL80211_WOWLAN_TRIG_NET_DETECT])
+		printf(" * wake up on network detection\n");
  	if (trig[NL80211_WOWLAN_TRIG_PKT_PATTERN]) {

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