Hi, On Sun, 2008-03-30 at 15:27 +0200, Ivo van Doorn wrote: > > > Don't forget that there was no response to the request for someone to test > > > if broadcast packets were received in monitor mode on the older hardware > > > so if the filter flags don't select multicast traffic we could be losing > > > broadcast traffic too. I'm not sure if the stack will be reporting any > > > active multicast groups in AP mode. (For the benefit of others the only > > > reason normal broadcast traffic was working was because there was always a > > > multicast group present, Ivo's request is linked below.) > > > > > > http://sourceforge.net/mailarchive/forum.php?thread_name=200803031921.41634.IvDoorn%40gmail.com&forum_name=rt2400-devel > > > > > I would like to test for this, but I'm not quite sure how, I've read > > Ivo's original message, but I can't find the monitoring bug discussion > > Ivo is referring to. Would the frame captures on debugfs, again with the > > above mentioned tools test for this bug as well? Or is there something > > else I have to do? > > So far I have received 1 result for the above test request which indicated rt2500pci > wasn't harmed with this bug. However, latest rt2x00 has Adam's patch active for > all rt2x00 drivers (since the code is now handled in rt2x00mac.c). > So this means that that multicast bug should have no influence for this bug. ok, understood. I've made the dumps you've asked for; at least I think so: '/debug/ieee80211/phy2/rt2500pci/frame/dump' as mentioned in the rt2wtap doc does not exist for me, so I've captured from: '/debug/ieee80211/phy1/rt2500pci/queue/dump' is that the new name or something? anyway, I've made 2 dumps, one of an association attempt with wlan1 _not_ promiscuous (which fails because eapol keys sent by laptop are not received): hostapd_not_promisc_try2.tar.bz2 and one dump of an association attempt with wlan1 set to promiscuous (which fails later on, because hostapd locks up:hostapd_promisc_try1.tar.bz2. BTW, this lockup also seems to affect the driver state, if I want to use the interface again, I have to manually unload and reload the rt2500pci module). the laptop has mac: 00:1b:77:a4:db:26, an the rt2500pci nic in the server trying to be an accesspoint is 00:0c:f6:14:05:19. So a wireshark filter like this wlan.da == 00:1b:77:a4:db:26 || wlan.sa == 00:1b:77:a4:db:26 shows the laptops traffic on the interface. >From a quick look at the dumps, I found that again EAPOL key response from the laptop is only received if wlan1 is set to promiscuous. At that point hostapd locks, and it sends out no more frames. The EAPOL key from the laptop is at frame 420 and 421 in the dump in hostapd_promisc_try1.tar.bz2. well, I hope this can help you, but apparently the missing EAPOL key packets from the laptop also don't show up in these dumps in the non promiscuous case. So they apparently get lost before they are captured. best regards, and many thanks, Bas Hulsken
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