From: Steven Bateman <steven@xxxxxxxxx> Date: Thursday, January 9, 2014 11:34 AM To: "linux-wireless@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" <linux-wireless@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, "ilw@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" <ilw@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> Subject: Issue with authentication to Aerohive APs Hello, I'm writing on behalf of about 4 or 5 users that are having issues connecting to a WLAN that I manage. The majority of the information can be found at the following link, including relevant logs. I've enclosed the packet capture from next to the station with failed authentications. _in_a_high_density_wlan We seem to have narrowed it down to a possible driver or firmware bug, but I'm reliant on the user to provide me requested information. At the moment I'm requesting that the user upgrade or downgrade his firmware or kernel in case that changes the behavior. I'd like to submit this to this group for review, and to see if you can elucidate what might be happening so I that I can work towards a solution with these users. Thanks! Steve Bateman Wireless Engineer ________________________________________ The FoundationGet Back To Work. 311 North 7th Avenue Minneapolis, MN 55401 612.465.0700 Main 612.787.3202 Direct 612.338.9322 Fax <> Facebook <> | Twitter <> | LinkedIn <>
bf4a73 failed authentications.pcap
Description: bf4a73 failed authentications.pcap