The attached patch replaces the last one and has another additional fix. I'm getting a bit further - the connect procedure starts, but now I seem to be failing during authentication. I'm not entirely sure I understand what is supposed to be happening at this point, so any debugging suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Inaky, it might help if you could send me an example of what a successful connection is supposed to look like in wimaxd.log. The relevant lines in wimaxd.log are: 23:02:04: 576399120 @Notice @NDNS_Agent @Executing the current scheduled task: <Auto Connect> [L4C_HandleReadyState] @NDnSAgent.c (1211) @wimaxd 23:02:04: 576399120 @Notice @NDNS_Agent @L4db_SetSwRfState - no need to change - the rf state (1) was not changed [L4db_SetSwRfState] @NDnSAgent_DB.c (3959) @wimaxd 23:02:04: 576399120 @Notice @NDNS_Agent @L4db_SetSwRfState - no need to change - the rf state (1) was not changed [L4db_SetSwRfState] @NDnSAgent_DB.c (3959) @wimaxd 23:02:04: 576399120 @Notice @NDNS_Agent @Executing secheduled AutoConnect. forceManualConnect=1 [L4C_HandleReadyState] @NDnSAgent.c (1290) @wimaxd 23:02:04: 576399120 @Notice @NDNS_Agent @Trying to connect - NSP ID = 2, forcing manual connect = True [NDnSAgent_StartConnect] @NDnSAgent.c (3654) @wimaxd 23:02:04: 576399120 @Notice @NDNS_Agent @Trying to connect to NAP ID [00][00][02] (000002) [NDnSAgent_StartConnect] @NDnSAgent.c (3781) @wimaxd 23:02:04: 576399120 @Notice @NDNS_Agent @L4C_SetControllerModeEx(OUT): status=0 [L4C_SetControllerModeEx] @NDnSAgent.c (1527) @wimaxd 23:02:04: 576399120 @Notice @Supplicant_Agent at SupplicantAgent_Initialize Succeeded. Target ID=4 [DelayLoadSupplicant] @SupplicantAgent.c(2304) @wimaxd 23:02:04: 576399120 @Notice @Supplicant_Agent at Supplicant: Assign configuration - Identity = {sm=1}[redacted] [Sup_PrintTrace] @SupplicantAgent.c(1935) @wimaxd 23:02:04: 576399120 @Notice @Supplicant_Agent at Supplicant: Assign configuration - Client cert = /usr/local/share/wimax/supplicant_cert.pem [Sup_PrintTrace] @SupplicantAgent.c(1935) @wimaxd 23:02:04: 576399120 @Notice @Supplicant_Agent at Supplicant: Assign configuration - Private key = /usr/local/share/wimax/supplicant_key.pem [Sup_PrintTrace] @SupplicantAgent.c(1935) @wimaxd 23:02:04: 576399120 @Notice @ACT @Act_MessagesHandler(IN). pdwResponseMessageID=576396680 [Act_MessagesHandler] @Act.c (518) @wimaxd 23:02:04: 576399120 @Notice @ACT @Act_MessagesHandler(IN). dwSentMessageID=6 [Act_MessagesHandler] @Act.c (524) @wimaxd 23:02:04: 576399120 @Notice @ACT @Got L4_PROXY_OPCODE_L4_INDICATION_ARRIVED message [Act_MessagesHandler] @Act.c (540) @wimaxd 23:02:04: 576399120 @Notice @ACT @Got system state report. system state=6 , isL5DispatcherOpen=1 [Act_MessagesHandler] @Act.c (559) @wimaxd 23:02:04: 576399120 @Notice @SERVICE @Sending from sourceid: 6, to targetid: 1 [l5_common_utils_ActuallySendMessage] @L5CommonUtils.c (225) @wimaxd 23:02:04: 576399120 @Notice @NDNS_Agent @NDnSAgent_SystemStateUpdate: SystemState=Connecting, ConnectState=NotApplicable, swRf=1, hwRf=1 [NDnSAgent_SystemStateUpdate] @NDnSAgent_CBs.c (216) @wimaxd 23:02:04: 576399120 @Notice @NDNS_Agent @L4C_SetControllerModeEx(IN): systemStateUpdate=Connecting, swRfStatus=1, hwRfStatus=1 [L4C_SetControllerModeEx] @NDnSAgent.c (1356) @wimaxd 23:02:04: 576399120 @Notice @NDNS_Agent @L4C_SetControllerModeEx. systemState=7 [L4C_SetControllerModeEx] @NDnSAgent.c (1392) @wimaxd 23:02:04: 576399120 @Notice @NDNS_Agent @L4C_SetControllerModeEx(OUT): status=0 [L4C_SetControllerModeEx] @NDnSAgent.c (1527) @wimaxd 23:02:05: 576399120 @Notice @ACT @Act_MessagesHandler(IN). pdwResponseMessageID=576396680 [Act_MessagesHandler] @Act.c (518) @wimaxd 23:02:05: 576399120 @Notice @ACT @Act_MessagesHandler(IN). dwSentMessageID=6 [Act_MessagesHandler] @Act.c (524) @wimaxd 23:02:05: 576399120 @Notice @ACT @Got L4_PROXY_OPCODE_L4_INDICATION_ARRIVED message [Act_MessagesHandler] @Act.c (540) @wimaxd 23:02:05: 576399120 @Notice @ACT @Got system state report. system state=6 , isL5DispatcherOpen=1 [Act_MessagesHandler] @Act.c (559) @wimaxd 23:02:05: 576399120 @Notice @SERVICE @Sending from sourceid: 6, to targetid: 1 [l5_common_utils_ActuallySendMessage] @L5CommonUtils.c (225) @wimaxd 23:02:05: 576399120 @Notice @NDNS_Agent @NDnSAgent_SystemStateUpdate: SystemState=Connecting, ConnectState=Ranging, swRf=1, hwRf=1 [NDnSAgent_SystemStateUpdate] @NDnSAgent_CBs.c (216) @wimaxd 23:02:05: 576399120 @Notice @NDNS_Agent @L4C_SetControllerModeEx(IN): systemStateUpdate=Connecting, swRfStatus=1, hwRfStatus=1 [L4C_SetControllerModeEx] @NDnSAgent.c (1356) @wimaxd 23:02:05: 576399120 @Notice @NDNS_Agent @L4C_SetControllerModeEx. systemState=7 [L4C_SetControllerModeEx] @NDnSAgent.c (1392) @wimaxd 23:02:05: 576399120 @Notice @NDNS_Agent @L4C_SetControllerModeEx(OUT): status=0 [L4C_SetControllerModeEx] @NDnSAgent.c (1527) @wimaxd 23:02:05: 576399120 @Notice @ACT @Act_MessagesHandler(IN). pdwResponseMessageID=576396680 [Act_MessagesHandler] @Act.c (518) @wimaxd 23:02:05: 576399120 @Notice @ACT @Act_MessagesHandler(IN). dwSentMessageID=6 [Act_MessagesHandler] @Act.c (524) @wimaxd 23:02:05: 576399120 @Notice @ACT @Got L4_PROXY_OPCODE_L4_INDICATION_ARRIVED message [Act_MessagesHandler] @Act.c (540) @wimaxd 23:02:05: 576399120 @Notice @ACT @Got system state report. system state=6 , isL5DispatcherOpen=1 [Act_MessagesHandler] @Act.c (559) @wimaxd 23:02:05: 576399120 @Notice @SERVICE @Sending from sourceid: 6, to targetid: 1 [l5_common_utils_ActuallySendMessage] @L5CommonUtils.c (225) @wimaxd 23:02:05: 576399120 @Notice @NDNS_Agent @NDnSAgent_SystemStateUpdate: SystemState=Connecting, ConnectState=SBC, swRf=1, hwRf=1 [NDnSAgent_SystemStateUpdate] @NDnSAgent_CBs.c (216) @wimaxd 23:02:05: 576399120 @Notice @NDNS_Agent @L4C_SetControllerModeEx(IN): systemStateUpdate=Connecting, swRfStatus=1, hwRfStatus=1 [L4C_SetControllerModeEx] @NDnSAgent.c (1356) @wimaxd 23:02:05: 576399120 @Notice @NDNS_Agent @L4C_SetControllerModeEx. systemState=7 [L4C_SetControllerModeEx] @NDnSAgent.c (1392) @wimaxd 23:02:05: 576399120 @Notice @NDNS_Agent @DeviceStatus update: DeviceStatus=Connecting ConnectionProgress=SBC [L4Pub_SendDeviceStatusUpdate] @NDnS_L4Publisher.c(234) @wimaxd 23:02:05: 576399120 @Notice @NDNS_Agent @L4C_SetControllerModeEx(OUT): status=0 [L4C_SetControllerModeEx] @NDnSAgent.c (1527) @wimaxd 23:02:05: 576399120 @Notice @SERVICE @Sending from sourceid: 5, to targetid: 1 [l5_common_utils_ActuallySendMessage] @L5CommonUtils.c (225) @wimaxd 23:02:05: 576399120 @Notice @NDNS_Wrapper @wmxNds_SIIReportArrived [wmxNds_SIIReportArrived] @wmxSDK_Nds_IndHandler.c(677) @wimaxd 23:02:05: 576399120 @Notice @ACT @Act_MessagesHandler(IN). pdwResponseMessageID=576396680 [Act_MessagesHandler] @Act.c (518) @wimaxd 23:02:05: 576399120 @Notice @ACT @Act_MessagesHandler(IN). dwSentMessageID=6 [Act_MessagesHandler] @Act.c (524) @wimaxd 23:02:05: 576399120 @Notice @ACT @Got L4_PROXY_OPCODE_L4_INDICATION_ARRIVED message [Act_MessagesHandler] @Act.c (540) @wimaxd 23:02:05: 576399120 @Notice @ACT @Got system state report. system state=6 , isL5DispatcherOpen=1 [Act_MessagesHandler] @Act.c (559) @wimaxd 23:02:05: 576399120 @Notice @SERVICE @Sending from sourceid: 6, to targetid: 1 [l5_common_utils_ActuallySendMessage] @L5CommonUtils.c (225) @wimaxd 23:02:05: 576399120 @Notice @NDNS_Agent @NDnSAgent_SystemStateUpdate: SystemState=Connecting, ConnectState=EAPAuthentication, swRf=1, hwRf=1 [NDnSAgent_SystemStateUpdate] @NDnSAgent_CBs.c (216) @wimaxd 23:02:05: 576399120 @Notice @NDNS_Agent @L4C_SetControllerModeEx(IN): systemStateUpdate=Connecting, swRfStatus=1, hwRfStatus=1 [L4C_SetControllerModeEx] @NDnSAgent.c (1356) @wimaxd 23:02:05: 576399120 @Notice @NDNS_Agent @L4C_SetControllerModeEx. systemState=7 [L4C_SetControllerModeEx] @NDnSAgent.c (1392) @wimaxd 23:02:05: 576399120 @Notice @NDNS_Agent @DeviceStatus update: DeviceStatus=Connecting ConnectionProgress=EAP_authentication_Device [L4Pub_SendDeviceStatusUpdate] @NDnS_L4Publisher.c(234) @wimaxd 23:02:05: 576399120 @Notice @NDNS_Agent @L4C_SetControllerModeEx(OUT): status=0 [L4C_SetControllerModeEx] @NDnSAgent.c (1527) @wimaxd 23:02:05: 576399120 @Notice @SERVICE @Sending from sourceid: 5, to targetid: 1 [l5_common_utils_ActuallySendMessage] @L5CommonUtils.c (225) @wimaxd 23:02:05: 576399120 @Error @Supplicant_Wrapper at SuppWrapper: sending down op. 3, ctx 1, conn 0, p1 0, p2 0 [SendTLSRequest] @wmxSDK_Sup_Impl.c(1123) @wimaxd 23:02:05: 576399120 @Error @Supplicant_Wrapper at SuppWrapper: received op. 3, ctx 1, conn 2E35C8, p1 0, p2 0 [SendTLSRequest] @wmxSDK_Sup_Impl.c(1155) @wimaxd 23:02:05: 576399120 @Error @Supplicant_Wrapper at SuppWrapper: Connection init => 2E35C8 [tls_connection_init] @wmxSDK_Sup_Impl.c(1178) @wimaxd 23:02:05: 576399120 @Error @Supplicant_Wrapper at SuppWrapper: sending down op. 6, ctx 1, conn 2E35C8, p1 0, p2 0 [SendTLSRequest] @wmxSDK_Sup_Impl.c(1123) @wimaxd 23:02:05: 576399120 @Error @Supplicant_Wrapper at SuppWrapper: received op. 6, ctx 1, conn 2E35C8, p1 0, p2 0 [SendTLSRequest] @wmxSDK_Sup_Impl.c(1155) @wimaxd 23:02:05: 576399120 @Error @Supplicant_Wrapper at SuppWrapper: sending down op. 11, ctx 1, conn 2E35C8, p1 0, p2 0 [SendTLSRequest] @wmxSDK_Sup_Impl.c(1123) @wimaxd 23:02:05: 576399120 @Error @Supplicant_Wrapper at SuppWrapper: received op. 11, ctx 1, conn 2E35C8, p1 0, p2 0 [SendTLSRequest] @wmxSDK_Sup_Impl.c(1155) @wimaxd 23:02:05: 576399120 @Error @Supplicant_Wrapper at SuppWrapper: sending down op. 12, ctx 1, conn 2E35C8, p1 0, p2 0 [SendTLSRequest] @wmxSDK_Sup_Impl.c(1123) @wimaxd 23:02:05: 576399120 @Error @Supplicant_Wrapper at SuppWrapper: received op. 12, ctx 1, conn 2E35C8, p1 0, p2 0 [SendTLSRequest] @wmxSDK_Sup_Impl.c(1155) @wimaxd 23:02:24: 576399120 @Notice @NDNS_Agent @L4C_HandleRobustConnect (IN) [L4C_HandleRobustConnect] @NDnSAgent.c (963) @wimaxd 23:02:24: 576399120 @Notice @NDNS_Agent @L4C_HandleRobustConnect (OUT) [L4C_HandleRobustConnect] @NDnSAgent.c (1036) @wimaxd 23:02:24: 576399120 @Notice @Supplicant_Agent at Supplicant: Assign configuration - Identity = {sm=1}[redacted] [Sup_PrintTrace] @SupplicantAgent.c(1935) @wimaxd 23:02:24: 576399120 @Notice @Supplicant_Agent at Supplicant: Assign configuration - Client cert = /usr/local/share/wimax/supplicant_cert.pem [Sup_PrintTrace] @SupplicantAgent.c(1935) @wimaxd 23:02:24: 576399120 @Notice @Supplicant_Agent at Supplicant: Assign configuration - Private key = /usr/local/share/wimax/supplicant_key.pem [Sup_PrintTrace] @SupplicantAgent.c(1935) @wimaxd 23:02:24: 576399120 @Notice @ACT @Act_MessagesHandler(IN). pdwResponseMessageID=576396680 [Act_MessagesHandler] @Act.c (518) @wimaxd 23:02:24: 576399120 @Notice @ACT @Act_MessagesHandler(IN). dwSentMessageID=6 [Act_MessagesHandler] @Act.c (524) @wimaxd 23:02:24: 576399120 @Notice @ACT @Got L4_PROXY_OPCODE_L4_INDICATION_ARRIVED message [Act_MessagesHandler] @Act.c (540) @wimaxd 23:02:24: 576399120 @Notice @ACT @Got system state report. system state=3 , isL5DispatcherOpen=1 [Act_MessagesHandler] @Act.c (559) @wimaxd 23:02:24: 576399120 @Notice @SERVICE @Sending from sourceid: 6, to targetid: 1 [l5_common_utils_ActuallySendMessage] @L5CommonUtils.c (225) @wimaxd 23:02:24: 576399120 @Notice @NDNS_Agent @NDnSAgent_SystemStateUpdate: SystemState=Ready, ConnectState=NotApplicable, swRf=1, hwRf=1 [NDnSAgent_SystemStateUpdate] @NDnSAgent_CBs.c (216) @wimaxd 23:02:24: 576399120 @Notice @NDNS_Agent @L4C_SetControllerModeEx(IN): systemStateUpdate=Ready, swRfStatus=1, hwRfStatus=1 [L4C_SetControllerModeEx] @NDnSAgent.c (1356) @wimaxd 23:02:24: 576399120 @Notice @NDNS_Agent @L4C_SetControllerModeEx. systemState=5 [L4C_SetControllerModeEx] @NDnSAgent.c (1392) @wimaxd 23:02:24: 576399120 @Notice @NDNS_Agent @Executing the current scheduled task: <Start Scan> [L4C_HandleReadyState] @NDnSAgent.c (1211) @wimaxd -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... 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