Hi All, The credential agent interface doc in the repository is a place holder I have been thinking about what the credential agent interface should be and would like to know what other think about the semantics and usage model of the interface should be. The reason for the agent API is to give the WiMax daemon a way to collect login credentials from the user (username, password). The simple case is the agent object would throw up a dialog for the user to enter the required information. This is kind of clunky and would become really annoying in the case where you lose connection and are trying to automatically trying to connect. It would be nice to support auto-reconnect with out user intervention. The agent could cache the credentials but now we have the credentials laying around one method call away from anyone that wants them good guy or bad. One solution I thought of that would help is to change the RegisterCredentialAgent() method in the adapter object to take an additional context argument to be passed back to the credential agent that is set by the connection/network manager. So the flow would look something like this: org.wimax1.Agent.SetCredentials({ "Username": "dcbw", "Password": "foobar", <context_value>) org.wimax1.Adapter.RegisterCredentialAgent("/something/I/make/up", 0xDEADBABE) org.wimax1.Network.Connect() The callback from the WiMax daemon would be org.wimax1.Agent.GetCredentials( in uint32 context, out string username, out string password); If the context value does not match the value passed to org.wimax1.Agent.SetCredentials() the method returns an error and possibly nukes the credentials to prevent a brute force attack looking for correct context value. Any comments gratefully accepted --Dirk