Re: [PATCH v7 4/7] can: Add Nuvoton NCT6694 CANFD support

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Le 07/02/2025 à 08:44, Ming Yu a écrit :
This driver supports Socket CANFD functionality for NCT6694 MFD
device based on USB interface.


+static int nct6694_can_start(struct net_device *ndev)
+	struct nct6694_can_priv *priv = netdev_priv(ndev);
+	struct nct6694_can_setting *setting;

Could be:
struct nct6694_can_setting *setting __free(kfree) = NULL;

to slightly simplify code below.

+	struct nct6694_cmd_header cmd_hd = {
+		.mod = NCT6694_CAN_MOD,
+		.cmd = NCT6694_CAN_SETTING,
+		.sel = priv->can_idx,
+		.len = cpu_to_le16(sizeof(*setting))
+	};


+static int nct6694_can_get_clock(struct nct6694_can_priv *priv)
+	struct nct6694_can_information *info;

Could be:
struct nct6694_can_information *info __free(kfree) = NULL;

to slightly simplify code below.

+	static const struct nct6694_cmd_header cmd_hd = {
+		.mod = NCT6694_CAN_MOD,
+		.cmd = NCT6694_CAN_INFORMATION,
+		.len = cpu_to_le16(sizeof(*info))
+	};
+	int ret, can_clk;
+	info = kzalloc(sizeof(*info), GFP_KERNEL);
+	if (!info)
+		return -ENOMEM;



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