Morning Krzysztof,
Thanks again for the review/help!
On 4/14/24 00:33, Krzysztof Kozlowski wrote:
On 12/04/2024 13:21, Matti Vaittinen wrote
+ rohm,hw-timeout-ms:
+ description:
+ Watchdog timeout value(s). First walue is timeout limit. Second value is
+ optional value for 'too early' watchdog ping if window timeout mode is
+ to be used.
Standard property timeout-sec does not work for you? It should allow two
items as well.
I don't think so. We need sub-second units. Furthermore, the timeout-sec
(if I understand it correctly) updates the "timeout policy", which tells
the expected ping-interval. This can be different from the "HW
heart-beat" which tells the HW's ping expectation. Hence the "hw-" prefix.
Missing allOf
This just about summarizes my feelings when I try write the bindings. XD
I do feel completely lost. Hence I do really appreciate someone like you
taking the time to help me through ^^;
Enjoy the Seattle!
-- Matti
Matti Vaittinen
Linux kernel developer at ROHM Semiconductors
Oulu Finland
~~ When things go utterly wrong vim users can always type :help! ~~