April 7, 2015 Release
IEEE International Conference on Cluster Computing September 8-11, 2015 Chicago, IL, USA http://www.mcs.anl.gov/ieeecluster2015/ *** CALL FOR POSTERS *** The IEEE Cluster 2015 provides a forum for both academia and industry professionals to present their latest research findings in all aspects of cluster, cloud, and grid technologies in the form of a posters, which will be included in the conference proceedings. Posters will be presented during the same session, during the conference. Additionally, authors may submit posters for publication on the web. *** TOPICS OF INTEREST *** The topics of interest are the same as in the Call for Papers. Area 1: Application, Algorithms, and Libraries * HPC Applications on Clusters * Performance Modeling and Measurement * Novel Algorithms on Clusters * Hybrid programming techniques (MPI+OpenMP, MPI+OpenCL, etc.) * Cluster Benchmarks * Application-level libraries on clusters * Effective use of clusters in novel applications * Performance evaluation tools Area 2: Architecture, Network/Communications, and Management * Energy-efficient cluster architectures * Node and system architecture * Packaging, power and cooling * GPU/ManyCore and heterogeneous clusters * Interconnect/memory architectures * Single system image clusters * Administration and maintenance tools Area 3: Programming and System Software * Cluster System Software/Operating Systems * Cloud-enabling cluster technologies and virtualization * Energy-efficient middleware * Cluster system-level Protocols and APIs * Cluster Security * Resource and job management * Programming and Software Development Environment on Clusters * Fault tolerance and high-availability Area 4: Data, Storage, and Visualization * Cluster Architecture for Big Data storage and processing * Middleware for Big Data management * Cluster-based Cloud Architecture for Big Data * File systems and I/O libraries * Support and Integration of Non-Volatile Memory * Visualization clusters and tiled displays * Big Data visualization tools * Programming models for Big Data processing * Big Data Application studies on cluster architectures *** TYPES OF POSTERS *** Participants submitting proceedings-published posters are required to submit a short paper (2 pages) describing the poster content, the research supporting it, and the relevance and importance to the cluster, cloud, and grid computing community. If accepted, this short paper will be published in the proceedings of the conference. Participants submitting web-published posters are required to submit a short 1-page extended abstract. These abstracts will not be included in the conference proceedings. Both proceedings-published and web-published posters will be displayed during the conference. We encourage accepted authors of demos to prepare a poster to accompany their demo. All accepted posters (including posters prepared for demos) will be posted on the conference website. *** DISPLAY POSTER SIZE *** The recommended poster size is A1 (594mm by 841mm, portrait). *** SUBMISSION GUIDELINES *** Submitted manuscripts should be structured as technical papers and may not exceed 1 (web published) or 2 (proceedings published) letter size (8.5 x 11) pages including figures, tables and references using the IEEE format for conference proceedings. See formatting templates for details: * LaTex Package ZIP ftp://pubftp.computer.org/Press/Outgoing/proceedings/IEEE_CS_Latex8.5x11x2.zip * Word Template DOC and PDF ftp://pubftp.computer.org/Press/Outgoing/proceedings/instruct8.5x11x2.doc ftp://pubftp.computer.org/Press/Outgoing/proceedings/instruct8.5x11x2.pdf Please submit your posters via the EasyChair submission system: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=ieeecluster2015 *** IMPORTANT DATES *** May 15, 2015 (extended) Posters Submission Deadline May 9, 2015 Papers Acceptance Notification *** STUDENT TRAVEL AWARDS *** Several travel awards are sponsored by the National Science Foundation for students enrolled in American institutions who participates in the Student Mentoring Program (http://www.mcs.anl.gov/ieeecluster2015/student-program/). Students with accepted posters or papers must also apply to and participate in the Student Mentoring Program to be eligible for the travel award. The deadlines for the Student Mentoring Program application are at http://www.mcs.anl.gov/ieeecluster2015/author-information/important-dates/. Notice of travel awards will be made prior to the conference. The travel awards will be distributed post-conference in the form of reimbursements against actual travel, registration, and accommodation expenses submitted by the student. The travel award will be contingent on the participating of the awarded student in the Student Mentoring Program at Cluster 2015. *** CLUSTER 2015 POSTER CHAIR *** Seetharami Seelam, IBM T. J. Watson Research Center (sseelam AT us.ibm.com). ---------------------------------------------- ...Follow us on Facebook athttps://www.facebook.com/ieee.cluster ...Follow us on Twitter athttps://twitter.com/IEEECluster ...Follow us on Linkedin at https://www.linkedin.com/groups/IEEE-International-Conference-on-Cluster-7428925 ...Follow us on RenRen athttp://page.renren.com/601871401 ---------------------------------------------- -- ================================================================= Ioan Raicu, Ph.D. Assistant Professor, Illinois Institute of Technology (IIT) Guest Research Faculty, Argonne National Laboratory (ANL) ================================================================= Data-Intensive Distributed Systems Laboratory, CS/IIT Distributed Systems Laboratory, MCS/ANL ================================================================= Editor: IEEE TCC, Springer Cluster, Springer JoCCASA Chair: IEEE/ACM MTAGS, ACM ScienceCloud ================================================================= Cel: 1-847-722-0876 Office: 1-312-567-5704 Email: iraicu@xxxxxxxxxx Web: http://www.cs.iit.edu/~iraicu/ Web: http://datasys.cs.iit.edu/ LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/in/ioanraicu Google: http://scholar.google.com/citations?user=jE73HYAAAAAJ ================================================================= ================================================================= |
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