CALL FOR WORKSHOP PROPOSALS The 9th International Conference on Autonomic Computing (ICAC 2012) September 17-21, 2012. San Jose, CA, USA ----------------------------------------------------------------- IMPORTANT DATES Workshop Proposal Submission: February 10, 2012 ----------------------------------------------------------------- OVERVIEW ICAC is the leading conference on autonomic computing techniques, foundations, and applications. Autonomic computing refers to methods and means for automated management of performance, fault, security, and configuration with little involvement of users or administrators. Systems introducing new autonomic features are becoming increasingly prevalent, motivating research that spans a variety of areas, from computer systems, networking, software engineering, and data management to machine learning, control theory, and bio-inspired computing. ICAC brings together researchers and practitioners across these disciplines to address multiple facets of adaptation and self-management in computing systems and applications from different perspectives. Autonomic computing solutions are sought for clouds, grids, data centers, enterprise software, internet services, data services, smart phones, embedded systems, and sensor networks. In these environments, resources and applications must be managed to maximize performance and minimize cost, while maintaining predictable and reliable behavior in the face of varying workloads, failures, and malicious threats. ICAC'12 welcomes proposals for co-located workshops on topics of interest to the autonomic computing community. Workshop proposals should be submitted to the Workshop Chair, Fred Douglis (f.douglis@xxxxxxxxxxxx) by February 10, 2012. Workshops are expected to publish proceedings, and should cover areas that complement the main program. ------------------------------------------------------------------ ORGANIZERS GENERAL CHAIR: Dejan Milojicic, HP Labs WORKSHOPS CHAIR: Fred Douglis, EMC -- ================================================================= Ioan Raicu, Ph.D. Assistant Professor, Illinois Institute of Technology (IIT) Guest Research Faculty, Argonne National Laboratory (ANL) ================================================================= Data-Intensive Distributed Systems Laboratory, CS/IIT Distributed Systems Laboratory, MCS/ANL ================================================================= Cel: 1-847-722-0876 Office: 1-312-567-5704 Email: iraicu@xxxxxxxxxx Web: Web: ================================================================= ================================================================= _______________________________________________ Virtualization mailing list Virtualization@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx