Hi Marc!
+/* Send open command to device */
+static int usb_8dev_cmd_open(struct usb_8dev *dev)
+ struct can_bittiming *bt = &dev->can.bittiming;
+ struct usb_8dev_cmd_msg outmsg;
+ struct usb_8dev_cmd_msg inmsg;
+ u32 flags = 0;
+ u32 beflags;
+ u16 bebrp;
+ u32 ctrlmode = dev->can.ctrlmode;
+ if (ctrlmode & CAN_CTRLMODE_LOOPBACK)
+ flags |= USB_8DEV_LOOPBACK;
+ flags |= USB_8DEV_SILENT;
+ if (ctrlmode & CAN_CTRLMODE_ONE_SHOT)
+ memset(&outmsg, 0, sizeof(struct usb_8dev_cmd_msg));
+ outmsg.command = USB_8DEV_OPEN;
+ outmsg.opt1 = USB_8DEV_BAUD_MANUAL;
+ outmsg.data[0] = (bt->prop_seg + bt->phase_seg1);
+ outmsg.data[1] = bt->phase_seg2;
+ outmsg.data[2] = bt->sjw;
But you should not use usb_bulk_msg() to send data which is on the
stack, please use you already allocated memory in priv or kmalloc
something here.
The function usb_8dev_send_cmd copies the data to dev->cmd_msg_buffer (allocated with kzalloc, GFP_KERNEL).
+ /* BRP */
+ bebrp = cpu_to_be16((u16) bt->brp);
+ memcpy(&outmsg.data[3], &bebrp, sizeof(bebrp));
Are you sure about the endianess? Some data types are BE some are LE?
Where is LE used?
+ /* flags */
+ beflags = cpu_to_be32(flags);
+ memcpy(&outmsg.data[5], &beflags, sizeof(beflags));
+ return usb_8dev_send_cmd(dev, &outmsg, &inmsg);
+/* Send close command to device */
+static int usb_8dev_cmd_close(struct usb_8dev *dev)
+ struct usb_8dev_cmd_msg outmsg;
+ struct usb_8dev_cmd_msg inmsg;
+ memset(&outmsg, 0, sizeof(struct usb_8dev_cmd_msg));
+ outmsg.command = USB_8DEV_CLOSE;
Same here, don't use stack allocated mem for usb_bulk_msg
All command functions use usb_8dev_send_cmd.
Are you sure?....Do you really want to wake the queue?
No, I've removed.
I don't know. -> removed.
Thanks for your comments.
best regards,
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