Re: AR9331 chipset has XactErr when working with USB 1.1 devices

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Thanks for your response
As far as I can see the ohci controller in this chipset is controlled
by the standard ohci driver  i.e.  ohci-hcd.c    With the linux 3.3.8
kernel that I have been testing - no ohci specific patches have been
added by the openwrt disto developers.

For kernel  2.6.31    - it is not known whether the chipset works with
properly with USB 1.1 devices.  Support for the TP-LINK TL-MR3040
(which has this AR9331 chipset) was only added to the more recent 3.x
kernels  by openwrt developers and I'd have to backport the support to
the older kernel.  I am CCing Gabor who is the Openwrt developer who
added the support for this chipset to see if he has any thoughts on
this issue.     The other possibility is to get the router with  the
stock TP-LINK 2.6.31 firmware working with my USB 1.1 device (Samsung
BlackJack Phone working as a 3G modem) - to see if the problem did not
exist in the older kernels.


On Mon, Nov 5, 2012 at 2:47 AM, Greg KH <gregkh@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> On Sun, Nov 04, 2012 at 02:42:32PM -0500, Ashok Rao wrote:
>> New small and portable routers from TP-LINK  (TL-MR3020 and TL-MR3040)
>> incorporate this Atheros chipset.
>> On Linux  3.3.8  (and earlier kernels like 3.2.5)   we are finding
>> data transfer issues with USB 1.1 devices.
>> The device (a Samsung BlackJack phone working as a 3G modem) can pass
>> data to the Internet initially but as
>> pages are opened these Xact errors show up and the USB port does not
>> pass any data after that.
>> Since the stock TP-LINK firmware (Linux 2.6.31) on these devices is
>> being used with 3G modems world wide -presumably this problem does not
>> appear with 2.0 devices - though I haven't verified it myself.
>> Also if a USB 2.0 passive hub is used in the middle - the problem goes
>> away   - I guess because the chipset will be doing USB 2.0  and the
>> hub will be doing the translation to USB 1.1. - leading me to believe
>> that it is an issue with USB 1.1 data transfers with this chipset.
> What driver is controlling the ohci controller in this chipset?  Does
> this hardware work properly with a "stock" release of 2.6.31?
> Or does that release require some patches (like the controller driver?)
> Figuring out where we broke something would be a good thing to do.
> thanks,
> greg k-h
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