Re: [RFC/PATCH v3 0/4] usb: Add SuperSpeed support to the Gadget Framework

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--- On Tue, 11/9/10, tlinder@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx <tlinder@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> Hello All
> I've sent the bellow patch series for review more then a
> week ago

And that wasn't the first iteration (v1,v2,v3).

 and got
> only one comment on one of the patches. I'm not sure what
> I'm supposed to
> do next.

You could try responding to the questions that
I asked a while back (probably for V1 or V2).

There were both "why" questions, and another
approach to handling the endpoint descriptors.

Lack of answers to those questions is why your
last post of these framework patches is still
sitting in my mailbox waiting for review (or
more likely deletion).

 Does this mean that the rest of them are ok?
> Should I resend
> them?
Answer to both questions is "NO".  First deal
with those ignored questions. They're surely
at least a month old by now.  They should have
gone to the list, but maybe mailer misbehavior
sent them to a smaller audience (just you, etc).

If absolutely necessary, I can probably dig up
those emails again and re-send; better if you
try to find them first, and respond.
I think they're the last emails from me on
these threads.

- Dave
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