[PATCH 1/1]: vusb-analyzer / wusb Decoder

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This is a patch for vusb-analyzer (vusb-analyzer.sf.net) to decode Certified 
Wireless USB traffic. Work-in-progress, but produces good results already. 
Contact me off-list if you would like a sample log file (vmware format) as 
input for experimentation / validation. I'm using Wisair HWA / DWA hardware,
for the purpose of adding a DWA driver to the kernel and improving Wisair HWA
support. If anyone else on the list has the same hardware and would like to 
help out please let me know.

Signed-off-by: Christopher Friedt chrisfriedt@xxxxxxxxx

diff --git a/VUsbTools/Decoders/WirelessUsb.py b/VUsbTools/Decoders/WirelessUsb.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3148b63
--- /dev/null
+++ b/VUsbTools/Decoders/WirelessUsb.py
@@ -0,0 +1,1168 @@
+# VUsbTools.Decoders.WirelessUsb
+# Christopher Friedt <chrisfriedt@xxxxxxxxx>
+# A decoder module for Certified Wireless USB
+# Copyright (C) 2005-2010 Christopher Friedt. Licensed under the MIT
+# License, please see the README.txt. All rights reserved.
+#################### NOTE: THIS IS A WORK-IN-PROGRESS ####################
+from VUsbTools import Decode, Struct
+import struct
+import sys
+####################### PACKED BINARY TYPES   ####################
+class UInt8Exp2(Struct.UInt8):
+    def decode(self,buffer):
+        self._value = 2**buffer[0]
+        return buffer[1:]
+class ByteArray(Struct.UInt8):
+    def __init__(self,l,name):
+        if l <= 0:
+            raise ValueError('arrays must be greater than or equal to zero')
+        x = 'B' * l
+        y = '%02X ' * (l-1) + '%02X'
+        self._length = l
+        self._name = name
+        self._format = x
+        self._strFormat = y
+        self._value = None        
+    def decode(self,buffer):
+        self._value = struct.unpack(self._format,buffer[:self._length])
+        return buffer[self._length:]
+# FIXME: this is an ugly hack
+class KeyDescriptor(Struct.Item):
+    def __init__(self,l,name):
+        if l < 6:
+            raise ValueError('key descriptors must be >= 6 bytes')
+        self._name = name
+        self._value = None
+        self._format = 'BBBBBB' + (l-6) * 'B'
+        self._length = l        
+    def decode(self,buffer):        
+        tTKID = struct.unpack('BBB',buffer[2:5])        
+        self._value  = "\n    tTKID = %02x %02x %02x\n" % (tTKID[0],tTKID[1],tTKID[2])
+        if self._length > 0:
+            l = self._length - 6
+            self._value += "    keyData = "
+            for i in range(l-1):
+                self._value += "%02x " % ord(buffer[6+i])
+            self._value += "%02x" % ord(buffer[l-1])
+        return buffer[self._length:]
+# FIXME: this is an ugly hack
+class RPipeDescriptor(Struct.Item):
+    def __init__(self,name):
+        self._name = name
+        self._value = None
+        self._format = 28 * 'B'  
+    def decode(self,buffer):
+        if len(buffer) < 28:
+            raise ValueError('rpipe descriptor requires 24 bytes')
+        wRPipeIndex = struct.unpack('<H',buffer[2:4])
+        wRequests = struct.unpack('<H',buffer[4:6])
+        wBlocks = struct.unpack('<H',buffer[6:8])
+        wMaxPacketSize = struct.unpack('<H',buffer[8:10])
+        bHSHubPort = ord(buffer[11])
+        bSpeed = ord(buffer[12])
+        bDeviceAddress = ord(buffer[13])
+        bEndpointAddress = ord(buffer[14])
+        bDataSequence = ord(buffer[15])
+        dwCurrentWindow = struct.unpack('<I',buffer[16:20])
+        bMaxDataSequence = ord(buffer[20])
+        bInterval = ord(buffer[21])
+        bOverTheAirInterval = ord(buffer[22])
+        bmAttribute = ord(buffer[23])
+        bmCharacteristics = ord(buffer[24])
+        bmRetryOptions = ord(buffer[25])
+        wNumTransactionErrors = struct.unpack('<H',buffer[26:28])
+        self._value  = "\n"
+        self._value += "    wRPipeIndex = %d\n" % wRPipeIndex
+        self._value += "    wRequests = %d\n" % wRequests
+        self._value += "    wBlocks = %d\n" % wBlocks
+        self._value += "    wMaxPacketSize = %d\n" % wMaxPacketSize
+        self._value += "    bHSHubPort = %d\n" % bHSHubPort
+        self._value += "    bSpeed = %d\n" % bSpeed
+        self._value += "    bDeviceAddress = %d\n" % bDeviceAddress
+        self._value += "    bEndpointAddress = %d\n" % bEndpointAddress
+        self._value += "    bDataSequence = %d\n" % bDataSequence
+        self._value += "    dwCurrentWindow = %d\n" % dwCurrentWindow
+        self._value += "    bMaxDataSequence = %d\n" % bMaxDataSequence
+        self._value += "    bInterval = %d\n" % bInterval
+        self._value += "    bOverTheAirInterval = %d\n" % bOverTheAirInterval
+        self._value += "    bmAttribute = 0x%02x\n" % bmAttribute
+        self._value += "    bmCharacteristics = 0x%02x\n" % bmCharacteristics
+        self._value += "    bmRetryOptions = 0x%02x\n" % bmRetryOptions
+        self._value += "    wNumTransactionErrors = %d" % wNumTransactionErrors
+        return buffer[28:]
+####################### UWB RADIO ######################## 
+# Command Results
+rcResultCodes = Struct.EnumDict({
+    0x00: 'SUCCESS',
+    0x01: 'FAILURE',
+    0x02: 'FAILURE_HARDWARE',
+    0x03: 'FAILURE_NO_SLOTS',
+    0x07: 'TIME_OUT',
+    })
+rcCommandOrEventTypes = Struct.EnumDict({
+    0x00: 'GENERAL',
+    # the rest are vendor / reserved
+    })
+rcCommandsOrEvents = Struct.EnumDict({
+    0x00: 'AS_PROBE_IE_RECEIVED',
+    0x01: 'BEACON_RECEIVED',
+    0x02: 'BEACON_SIZE_CHANGE',
+    0x03: 'BPOIE_CHANGE',
+    0x04: 'BP_SLOT_CHANGE',
+    0x06: 'DEV_ADDR_CONFLICT',
+    0x08: 'DRP',
+    # 0x09-0x0f reserved
+    0x10: 'CHANNEL_CHANGE',
+    0x11: 'DEV_ADDR',
+    0x12: 'GET_IE',
+    0x13: 'RESET',
+    0x14: 'SCAN',
+    0x15: 'SET_BEACON_FILTER',
+    0x16: 'SET_DRP_IE',
+    0x17: 'SET_IE',
+    0x19: 'SET_TX_POWER',
+    0x1a: 'SLEEP',
+    0x1b: 'START_BEACONING',
+    0x1c: 'STOP_BEACONING',
+# XXX: This is not part of the WUSB spec, but exists with Wisair hardware
+    0xfffe: 'HEARTBEAT',
+    })
+class UwbControlDescriptorGroup(Struct.Group):
+    requests = Struct.EnumDict({
+        (0x21,0x28):"exec_rc_cmd"
+    })
+    headerStruct = lambda self: (
+        Struct.UInt8("bCommandType"),
+        Struct.UInt16("wCommand"),
+        Struct.UInt8("bCommandContext"),
+        )
+    struct_channel_change = lambda self: (
+        Struct.UInt8("bChannelChangeCountdown"),
+        Struct.UInt8("bNewChannelNumber"),
+        )
+    struct_dev_addr = lambda self: (
+        Struct.UInt8Hex("bmOperationType"),
+# XXX: WUSB Spec says this is a 64-bit address, but they are only 48-bit
+        ByteArray(6,"baAddr"),
+        )
+    struct_get_ie = lambda self: (
+        )
+    struct_reset = lambda self: (
+        )
+    struct_scan = lambda self: (
+        Struct.UInt8("bChannelNumber"),
+        Struct.UInt8("bScanState"),
+        )
+    struct_set_beacon_filter = lambda self: (
+        ByteArray(6,"bmBeaconSlots"),
+        Struct.UInt8("bEnableState"),
+        )
+    struct_set_drp_ie = lambda self, n: (
+# XXX: WUSB Spec says that a bExplicit field exists here                                  
+        Struct.UInt16("wIELength"),
+        ByteArray(n,"IEData"),
+        )
+    struct_set_ie = lambda self, n: (
+        Struct.UInt16("wIELength"),
+        ByteArray(n,"IEData"),
+        )
+    struct_set_notification_filter = lambda self: (
+        Struct.UInt16("wNotification"),
+        Struct.UInt8("bEnableState"),
+        )
+    struct_set_tx_power = lambda self: (
+        Struct.UInt8("bPowerLevel"),
+        )
+    struct_sleep = lambda self: (
+        Struct.UInt8("bHibernationCount"),
+        Struct.UInt8("bHibernateDuration"),
+        )
+    struct_start_beaconing = lambda self: (
+        Struct.UInt16("wBPSTOffset"),
+        Struct.UInt8("bChannelNumber"),
+        )
+    struct_stop_beaconing = lambda self: (
+        )
+    def __init__(self):
+        Struct.Group.__init__(self, "descriptors")
+    def decode(self, buffer):
+        hdr_sz = 4
+        dnames = { "channel_change":"Channel Change", "dev_addr":"Dev Addr",
+                   "get_ie":"Get IE", "reset":"Reset", "scan":"Scan",
+                   "set_beacon_filter":"Set Beacon Filter", "set_drp_ie":"Set DRP IE",
+                   "set_ie":"Set IE", "set_notification_filter":"Set Notification Filter",
+                   "set_tx_power":"Set TX Power", "sleep":"Sleep", 
+                   "start_beaconing":"Start Beaconing", "stop_beaconing":"Stop Beaconing",
+                }
+        # rcCommands do not contain a convenient bLength field, so we need to 
+        # peek into them occasionally
+        dlens = { "channel_change":6, "dev_addr":11, "get_ie":4, "reset":4,
+                    "scan":6, "set_beacon_filter":11, "set_drp_ie":-1, "set_ie":-1,
+                    "set_notification_filter":7, "set_tx_power":5, "sleep":6,
+                    "start_beaconing":7, "stop_beaconing":4,
+                    }
+        # Common descriptor header
+        buffer = Struct.Group.decode(self, buffer, self.headerStruct())
+        cmdt = rcCommandOrEventTypes[self.bCommandType]
+        if cmdt is not 'GENERAL':
+            raise ValueError("rcCommandType %s is not supported" % cmdt )
+        # Decode command type
+        cmd = str(rcCommandsOrEvents[self.wCommand]).lower()
+        if str(cmd).startswith('0x'):
+            raise ValueError("rcCommand %s is not supported" % cmd )
+        self.name = dnames[cmd]
+        d = getattr(self, "struct_%s" % cmd, lambda: None)
+        up = lambda buf, ofs: struct.unpack_from('<H',buf,ofs)[0]
+        dlen = dlens[cmd] 
+        if dlen == -1:            
+            if cmd == "set_drp_ie":
+# XXX: WUSB Spec says that a bExplicit field exists here
+                nb = 6
+                n = up(buffer,0)
+            elif cmd == "set_ie":
+                nb = 6
+                n = up(buffer,0)
+            dlen = nb + n            
+            dr = d(n)
+        else:
+            dr = d()
+        descriptor = buffer[:dlen-hdr_sz]
+        buffer = buffer[dlen-hdr_sz:]
+        Struct.Group.decode(self, descriptor, dr)
+        return buffer
+class UwbControlDecoder(Decode.ControlDecoder):
+    classRequests = Struct.EnumDict({
+        0x28: "EXEC_RC_CMD",
+        })
+    def handleEvent(self, event):
+        if not event.isDataTransaction():
+            return
+        setup = Decode.SetupPacket(event)
+        # Look up the request name
+        setup.requestName = getattr(self, "%sRequests" % setup.type,
+                                    Struct.EnumDict())[setup.request]
+        # Look up a corresponding decoder
+        d = getattr(self, "decode_%s" % setup.requestName, self.decodeGeneric) 
+        d(setup)
+    def decode_EXEC_RC_CMD(self,setup):
+        setup.event.decoded = None
+        setup.event.decodedSummary = None
+        x = UwbControlDescriptorGroup()
+        buffer = setup.event.data[8:]
+        setup.event.data = x.decode(buffer)
+        setup.event.pushDecoded(str(x))
+        setup.event.pushDecoded('UWB Command: %s' % x.name )
+class UwbEventDescriptorGroup(Struct.Group):
+    headerStruct = lambda self: (
+        Struct.UInt8("bEventType"),
+        Struct.UInt16("wEvent"),
+        Struct.UInt8("bEventContext"),
+        )
+    ###########################
+    # Command Status / Result #
+    ###########################
+    resultStruct = lambda self: (
+        Struct.UInt8("bResultCode"),
+        )
+    struct_channel_change = resultStruct
+    struct_dev_addr = lambda self:(
+# XXX: WUSB Spec says this is a 64-bit address, but they are only 48-bit
+        ByteArray(6,"baAddr"),
+        Struct.UInt8("bResultCode"),
+        )
+    struct_get_ie = lambda self, n:(
+        Struct.UInt16("wIELength"),
+        ByteArray(n,"IEData"),
+        )
+    struct_reset = resultStruct
+    struct_scan = resultStruct
+    struct_set_beacon_filter = resultStruct
+    struct_set_drp_ie = lambda self:(
+        Struct.UInt16("wRemainingSpace"),
+        Struct.UInt8("bResultCode"),
+        )
+    struct_set_ie = struct_set_drp_ie
+    struct_set_notification_filter = resultStruct
+    struct_set_tx_power = resultStruct
+    struct_sleep = resultStruct
+    struct_start_beaconing = resultStruct
+    struct_stop_beaconing = resultStruct
+    #################
+    # Notifications #
+    #################
+    struct_as_probe_ie_received = lambda self, n: (
+        Struct.UInt16("wSrcAddr"),
+        Struct.UInt16("wIELength"),
+        ByteArray(n,"IEData"),
+        )
+    struct_beacon_received = lambda self, n: (
+        Struct.UInt8("bChannelNumber"),
+        Struct.UInt8("bBeaconType"),
+        Struct.UInt16("wBPSTOffset"),
+        Struct.UInt8("bLQI"),
+        Struct.UInt8("bRSSI"),
+        Struct.UInt16("wBeaconInfoLength"),
+        ByteArray(n,"BeaconInfo"),
+        )
+    struct_beacon_size_change = lambda self: (
+        Struct.UInt16("wNewBeaconSize"),
+        )
+    struct_bpoie_change = lambda self, n: (
+        Struct.UInt16("wBPOIELength"),
+        ByteArray(n,"BPOIE"),
+        )
+    struct_beacon_slot_change = lambda self: (
+        Struct.UInt8("bSlotNumber"),
+        )
+    struct_bp_switch_ie_received = struct_as_probe_ie_received
+    struct_dev_addr_conflict = lambda self: (
+        )
+    struct_drp_availability_change = lambda self: ( 
+# XXX: WUSB Spec claims wIELength field. However, IEData is a fixed 32-bytes
+        ByteArray(32,"IEData"),        
+        )
+    struct_drp = lambda self, n: (
+        Struct.UInt16("wSrcAddr"),
+        Struct.UInt8("bExplicit"),
+        Struct.UInt16("wIELength"),
+        ByteArray(n,"IEData"),
+        )
+# XXX: This is not part of the WUSB spec, but exists with Wisair hardware
+    struct_heartbeat = lambda self: (
+        ByteArray(8,"nothing"),
+        )    
+    def __init__(self):
+        Struct.Group.__init__(self, "descriptors")
+    def decode(self,buffer2):
+        buffer = buffer2
+        hdr_sz = 4
+        dlens = { "channel_change":5,
+# XXX: WUSB Spec says this is a 64-bit address, but they are only 48-bit 
+            "dev_addr":11, 
+            "get_ie":-1, "reset":5,
+            "scan":5, "set_beacon_filter":5, "set_drp_ie":7, "set_ie":7,
+            "set_notification_filter":5, "set_tx_power":5, "sleep":5,
+            "start_beaconing":5, "stop_beaconing":5, "as_probe_ie_received":-1, 
+            "beacon_received":-1, "beacon_size_change":6, "bpoie_change":-1, 
+            "bp_slot_change":5, "bp_switch_ie_received":-1, "dev_addr_conflict":4,
+# XXX: WUSB Spec claims wIELength field. However, IEData is a fixed 32-bytes
+            "drp_availability_change":36, 
+# XXX: This is not part of the WUSB spec, but exists with Wisair hardware
+            "drp":-1, "heartbeat":12,
+            }
+        dnames = { "channel_change":"Channel Change", "dev_addr":"Dev Addr",
+                   "get_ie":"Get IE", "reset":"Reset", "scan":"Scan",
+                   "set_beacon_filter":"Set Beacon Filter", "set_drp_ie":"Set DRP IE",
+                   "set_ie":"Set IE", "set_notification_filter":"Set Notification Filter",
+                   "set_tx_power":"Set TX Power", "sleep":"Sleep", 
+                   "start_beaconing":"Start Beaconing", "stop_beaconing":"Stop Beaconing",
+                   "as_probe_ie_received":"AS Probe IE Received", "beacon_received":"Beacon Received",
+                   "beacon_size_change":"Beacon Size Change", "bpoie_change":"BPOIE Change",
+                   "bp_slot_change":"BP Slot Change", "bp_switch_ie_received":"BP Switch IE Received",
+                   "dev_addr_conflict":"Dev Addr Conflict", "drp_availability_change":"DRP Availability Change", 
+                   "drp":"DRP",
+# XXX: This is not part of the WUSB spec, but exists with Wisair hardware 
+                   "heartbeat":"HeartBeat" }
+        if not buffer:
+            print 'WirelessUSB Radio Event: buffer is empty'
+            return
+        # Common descriptor header
+        buffer = Struct.Group.decode(self, buffer, self.headerStruct())
+        evt = rcCommandOrEventTypes[self.bEventType]
+        if evt is not 'GENERAL':
+            raise ValueError("rcEventType %s is not supported" % evt )
+        # Decode command type
+        ev = rcCommandsOrEvents[self.wEvent].lower()
+        if ev.startswith('0x'):
+            raise ValueError("rcEvent %s is not supported" % ev )
+        self.ev_name = dnames[ev]
+        d = getattr(self, "struct_%s" % ev, lambda: None)
+        up = lambda buf, ofs: struct.unpack_from('<H',buf,ofs)[0]  
+        dlen = dlens[ev]
+        blen = len(buffer) 
+        if blen < dlen - hdr_sz:
+            print 'Buffer Dump (incorrect size for %s)' % self.ev_name
+            for i in range(blen):
+                print '0x%02x' % ord(buffer[i])
+            raise ValueError( "expected packet length >= %d but have %d" %
+                              (dlen-hdr_sz,len(buffer)) )        
+        if dlen == -1:
+            if ev == "get_ie":
+                nb = 6
+                n = up(buffer,0)
+            elif ev == "as_probe_ie_received" or ev == "bp_switch_ie_received":
+                nb = 8
+                n = up(buffer,2)
+            elif ev == "beacon_received":
+# XXX: WUSB Spec is missing bBeaconType field at offset 5
+                nb = 12
+                n = up(buffer,6)
+            elif ev == "bpoie_change":
+                nb = 6
+                n = up(buffer,0)
+# XXX: WUSB Spec claims wIELength field. However, IEData is a fixed 32-bytes
+            elif ev == "drp_availability_change":
+                nb = 4
+                n = up(buffer,0)
+            elif ev == "drp":
+                nb = 9
+                n = up(buffer,3)
+            dlen = nb + n            
+            dr = d(n)
+        else:
+            dr = d()
+        buffer = Struct.Group.decode(self, buffer, dr)
+        return buffer
+class UwbEventDecoder():
+    descriptorClass = UwbEventDescriptorGroup
+    def handleEvent(self,event):
+        if not event.data:
+            return
+        x = self.descriptorClass()
+        event.data = x.decode(event.data)
+        event.pushDecoded( str(x) )
+        label = "Response" if x.wEvent in range(0x10,0x1c + 1) else "Notification" 
+        event.pushDecoded( "UWB %s: %s" % (label,x.ev_name) )
+####################### HOST WIRE ADAPTER     ####################
+wusbChannelTimeTypes = Struct.EnumDict({
+    0x0000: "TIME_ADJ",
+    0x0001: "TIME_BPST",
+    0x0002: "TIME_WUSB", 
+class HwaControlDescriptorGroup(Struct.Group):
+    doffs = { "add_mmc_ie":2, "get_bpst_adjustment":4, "get_bpst_time":4,
+             "get_wusb_time":4, "remove_mmc_ie":4, "set_device_encryption":2,
+             "set_device_info":4, "set_device_key":2, "set_group_key":2,
+             "set_num_dnts_slots":2, "set_wusb_cluster_id":2, "set_wusb_mas":4,
+             "set_wusb_stream_index":2, "wusb_channel_stop":2,
+             }
+    dlens = { "add_mmc_ie":-1, "get_bpst_adjustment":1, "get_bpst_time":3,
+             "get_wusb_time":3, "remove_mmc_ie":0, "set_device_encryption":0,
+             "set_device_info":36, "set_device_key":-1, "set_group_key":-1,
+             "set_num_dnts_slots":0, "set_wusb_cluster_id":0, "set_wusb_mas":0,
+             "set_wusb_stream_index":0, "wusb_channel_stop":0, }
+    requests = Struct.EnumDict({
+       (0x21,0x14):"add_mmc_ie",
+       (0xa1,0x19):"GET_TIME", # requires further differentiation
+       (0x21,0x15):"remove_mmc_ie",
+       (0x21,0x0d):"set_device_encryption",
+       (0x21,0x18):"set_device_info",
+       (0x21,0x07):"SET_DESCRIPTOR", # requires further differentiation 
+       (0x21,0x16):"set_num_dnts_slots",
+       (0x21,0x17):"set_wusb_cluster_id",
+       (0x21,0x1b):"set_wusb_mas",
+       (0x21,0x1a):"set_wusb_stream_index",
+       (0x21,0x1c):"wusb_channel_stop",
+    })
+    struct_add_mmc_ie = lambda self, n: (
+        Struct.UInt8("Interval"),
+        Struct.UInt8("RepeatCount"),
+        Struct.UInt8("IEHandle"),
+        Struct.UInt8("InterfaceNumber"),
+        Struct.UInt16("IELength"),
+        ByteArray(n,"IEBlock"),
+    )
+    struct_get_bpst_adjustment = lambda self: (
+        Struct.UInt16("InterfaceNumber"),
+        Struct.UInt16("wLength"),
+        Struct.UInt8("AdjustmentValue"),
+    )
+    struct_get_bpst_time = lambda self: (
+        Struct.UInt16("InterfaceNumber"),
+        Struct.UInt16("wLength"),
+        ByteArray(3,"WUSBChannelTime"),
+    )
+    struct_get_wusb_time = lambda self: (
+        Struct.UInt8("InterfaceNumber"),
+        Struct.UInt16("wLength"),
+        ByteArray(3,"WUSBChannelTime"),
+    )
+    struct_remove_mmc_ie = lambda self: (
+        Struct.UInt8("IEHandle"),
+        Struct.UInt16("InterfaceNumber"),                                 
+    )
+    struct_set_device_encryption = lambda self: (
+        Struct.UInt8("EncryptionValue"),
+        Struct.UInt8("DeviceIndex"),
+        Struct.UInt8("InterfaceNumber"),                                 
+    )
+    struct_set_device_info = lambda self: (
+        Struct.UInt8("DeviceIndex"),
+        Struct.UInt8("InterfaceNumber"),
+        Struct.UInt16("wLength"),                                 
+        ByteArray(36,"DeviceInformationBuffer"),
+    )
+    struct_set_device_key = lambda self, n: (
+        Struct.UInt8("DescriptorType"),
+        Struct.UInt8("KeyIndex"),
+        Struct.UInt8("DeviceIndex"),
+        Struct.UInt8("InterfaceNumber"),
+        Struct.UInt16("KeyDescriptorLength"),
+        KeyDescriptor(n,"KeyDescriptor"),
+    )
+    struct_set_group_key = lambda self, n: (
+        Struct.UInt8("DescriptorType"),
+        Struct.UInt8("KeyIndex"),
+        Struct.UInt16("InterfaceNumber"),
+        Struct.UInt16("KeyDescriptorLength"),
+        KeyDescriptor(n,"KeyDescriptor"),
+    )
+    struct_set_num_dnts_slots = lambda self: (
+        Struct.UInt8("Interval"),
+        Struct.UInt8("NumberOfDNTSSlots"),
+        Struct.UInt16("InterfaceNumber"),
+    )
+    struct_set_wusb_cluster_id = lambda self: (
+        Struct.UInt8Hex("Cluster ID"),
+        Struct.UInt16("InterfaceNumber"),
+    )
+    struct_set_wusb_mas = lambda self: (
+        Struct.UInt16("InterfaceNumber"),
+        Struct.UInt16("wLength"),                                
+        ByteArray(32,"WUSBMAS"),
+    )
+    struct_set_wusb_stream_index = lambda self: (
+        Struct.UInt16("StreamIndex"),
+        Struct.UInt16("InterfaceNumber"),
+    )
+    struct_wusb_channel_stop = lambda self: (
+        Struct.UInt16("WUSBChannelTimeOffset"),
+        Struct.UInt16("InterfaceNumber"),
+    )
+    def __init__(self):
+        Struct.Group.__init__(self,"descriptors")
+    def decode(self,event):
+        # erase the default decoding
+        event.decoded = None
+        event.decodedSummary = None
+        setup = Decode.SetupPacket(event)
+        self.setup = setup
+        request = self.requests.get((setup.bitmap,setup.request))
+        assert(request)
+        # perfrorm any other differentiation necessary
+        if request == "GET_TIME":
+            type = wusbChannelTimeTypes[setup.wValue]
+            if type == "TIME_ADJ":
+                request = "get_bpst_adjustment"
+            elif type == "TIME_BPST":
+                request = "get_bpst_time"
+            elif type == "TIME_WUSB":
+                request = "get_wusb_time"
+        elif request == "SET_DESCRIPTOR":
+            if not setup.wIndexHigh:
+                request = "set_group_key"
+            else:
+                request = "set_device_key"
+        self.request = request
+        # process data, if it exists
+        d = getattr(self, "struct_%s" % request, None)
+        if self.dlens[request] == -1:
+            n = setup.wLength
+            dr = d(n)
+        else:
+            dr = d()
+        offs = self.doffs.get(request)
+        Struct.Group.decode(self, event.data[offs:], dr)
+class HwaControlDecoder(Decode.ControlDecoder):
+    dnames = { 
+        "add_mmc_ie":"Add MMC IE", "get_bpst_adjustment":"Get BPST Adjustment", 
+        "get_bpst_time":"Get BPST Time", "get_wusb_time":"Get WUSB Time", 
+        "remove_mmc_ie":"Remove MMC IE", 
+        "set_device_encryption":"Set Device Encryption", 
+        "set_device_info":"Set Device Info", "set_device_key":"Set Device Key", 
+        "set_group_key":"Set Group Key", 
+        "set_num_dnts_slots":"Set Num DNTS Slots", 
+        "set_wusb_cluster_id":"Set WUSB Cluster ID", 
+        "set_wusb_mas":"Set WUSB MAS", 
+        "set_wusb_stream_index":"Set WUSB Stream Index", 
+        "wusb_channel_stop":"WUSB Channel Stop",
+    }
+    def handleEvent(self,event):
+        cmd = HwaControlDescriptorGroup()
+        cmd.decode(event)
+        event.pushDecoded( "%s" % cmd )
+        event.pushDecoded("HWA Command (%s)" % self.dnames.get(cmd.request) )
+class HwaEventDecoder():
+    def handleEvent(self,event):
+        buffer = event.data
+        if buffer:
+            print 'HwaEvent Dump:'
+            for i in range(len(buffer)):
+                print '0x%02x' % ord(buffer[i])
+# TODO: finish this off
+        z = 0 + 0
+####################### DEVICE WIRE ADAPTER   ####################
+class DwaControlDescriptorGroup(Struct.Group):
+    doffs = { "clear_port_feature":2, "get_port_status":4,
+              "set_isoep_attributes":4, "set_port_feature":2,
+             }
+    dlens = { "clear_port_feature":8, "get_port_status":12,
+              "set_isoep_attributes":14, "set_port_feature":8, }
+    requests = Struct.EnumDict({
+       (0x24,0x01):"clear_port_feature",
+       (0xa4,0x00):"get_port_status",
+       (0x22,0x1e):"set_isoep_attributes",
+       (0x24,0x03):"set_port_feature",
+    })
+    struct_clear_port_feature = lambda self: (
+        Struct.UInt16("FeatureSelector"),
+        Struct.UInt8("Selector"),
+        Struct.UInt8("PortIndex"),
+    )
+    struct_get_port_status = lambda self: (
+        Struct.UInt16("PortIndex"),
+        Struct.UInt16("wLength"),
+        ByteArray(4,"PortStatusAndChangeStatus"),
+    )
+    struct_set_isoep_attributes = lambda self: (
+        Struct.UInt16("EndpointAddress"),
+        Struct.UInt16("wLength"),
+        ByteArray(3,"EndpointAttributes"),
+    )
+    struct_set_port_feature = lambda self: (
+        Struct.UInt16("FeatureSelector"),
+        Struct.UInt8("Selector"),
+        Struct.UInt8("PortIndex"),
+    )
+    def __init__(self):
+        Struct.Group.__init__(self,"descriptors")
+    def decode(self,event):
+        # erase the default decoding
+        event.decoded = None
+        event.decodedSummary = None
+        setup = Decode.SetupPacket(event)
+        self.setup = setup
+        request = self.requests.get((setup.bitmap,setup.request))
+        assert(request)
+        self.request = request
+        # process data, if it exists
+        d = getattr(self, "struct_%s" % request, None)
+        dr = d()
+        offs = self.doffs.get(request)
+        Struct.Group.decode(self, event.data[offs:], dr)
+class DwaControlDecoder(Decode.ControlDecoder):
+    dnames = { "clear_port_feature":"Clear Port Feature", 
+              "get_port_status":"Get Port Status",
+              "set_isoep_attributes":"Set ISOEP Attributes", 
+              "set_port_feature":"Set Port Feature", }
+    def handleEvent(self,event):
+        cmd = DwaControlDescriptorGroup()
+        cmd.decode(event)
+        event.pushDecoded( "%s" % cmd )
+        event.pushDecoded("DWA Command (%s)" % self.dnames.get(cmd.request) )
+class DwaEventDecoder():
+    def handleEvent(self,event):
+# TODO: finish this off
+        z = 0 + 0
+####################### WIRE ADAPTER (COMMON) ####################
+class WaControlDescriptorGroup(Struct.Group):
+    doffs = { "abort_rpipe":4, "clear_rpipe_feature":2,
+              "clear_wire_adapter_feature":2, "get_rpipe_descriptor":2,
+              "get_rpipe_status":4, "get_wire_adapter_status":4,
+              "set_rpipe_descriptor":2, "set_rpipe_feature":2,
+              "set_wire_adapter_feature":2, "reset_rpipe":4, }
+    dlens = { "abort_rpipe":8, "clear_rpipe_feature":8,
+              "clear_wire_adapter_feature":8, "get_rpipe_descriptor":36,
+              "get_rpipe_status":9, "get_wire_adapter_status":12,
+              "set_rpipe_descriptor":36, "set_rpipe_feature":8,
+              "set_wire_adapter_feature":8, "reset_rpipe":8, }
+    requests = Struct.EnumDict({
+        (0x25,0x0e): "abort_rpipe",
+        (0x25,0x01): "clear_rpipe_feature",
+        (0x21,0x01): "clear_wire_adapter_feature",
+        (0xa5,0x06): "get_rpipe_descriptor",
+        (0xa5,0x00): "get_rpipe_status",
+        (0xa1,0x00): "get_wire_adapter_status",
+        (0x25,0x07): "set_rpipe_descriptor",
+        (0x25,0x03): "set_rpipe_feature",
+        (0x21,0x03): "set_wire_adapter_feature",
+        (0x25,0x0f): "reset_rpipe",
+    })
+    struct_abort_rpipe = lambda self: (
+        Struct.UInt16("RPipeIndex"),
+    )
+    struct_clear_rpipe_feature = lambda self: (
+        Struct.UInt16("FeatureSelector"),
+        Struct.UInt16("RPipeIndex"),
+    )
+    struct_clear_wire_adapter_feature = lambda self: (
+        Struct.UInt16("FeatureSelector"),
+        Struct.UInt16("InterfaceNumber"),
+    )
+    struct_get_rpipe_descriptor = lambda self: (
+        Struct.UInt16("DescriptorType"),
+        Struct.UInt16("RPipeIndex"),
+        Struct.UInt16("DescriptorLength"),
+        RPipeDescriptor("RPipeDescriptor"),
+    )
+    struct_get_rpipe_status = lambda self: (
+        Struct.UInt16("RPipeIndex"),
+        Struct.UInt16("wLength"),
+        Struct.UInt8("RPipeStatus"),
+    )
+    struct_get_wire_adapter_status = lambda self: (
+        Struct.UInt16("InterfaceNumber"),
+        Struct.UInt16("wLength"),
+        ByteArray(4,"WireAdapterStatus"),
+    )
+    struct_set_rpipe_descriptor = lambda self: (
+        Struct.UInt16("DescriptorType"),
+        Struct.UInt16("RPipeIndex"),
+        Struct.UInt16("DescriptorLength"),
+        RPipeDescriptor("RPipeDescriptor"),
+    )
+    struct_set_rpipe_feature = struct_clear_rpipe_feature
+    struct_set_wire_adapter_feature = struct_clear_wire_adapter_feature
+    struct_reset_rpipe = struct_abort_rpipe
+    def __init__(self):
+        Struct.Group.__init__(self,"descriptors")
+    def decode(self,event):
+        # erase the default decoding
+        event.decoded = None
+        event.decodedSummary = None
+        setup = Decode.SetupPacket(event)
+        self.setup = setup
+        request = self.requests.get((setup.bitmap,setup.request))
+        assert(request)
+        self.request = request
+        # process data, if it exists
+        d = getattr(self, "struct_%s" % request, None)
+        dr = d()
+        offs = self.doffs.get(request)
+        Struct.Group.decode(self, event.data[offs:], dr)
+class WaControlDecoder(Decode.ControlDecoder):
+    dnames = { "abort_rpipe":"Abort RPipe", 
+              "clear_rpipe_feature":"Clear RPipe Feature",
+              "clear_wire_adapter_feature":"Clear Wire Adapter Feature", 
+              "get_rpipe_descriptor":"Get RPipe Descriptor",
+              "get_rpipe_status":"Get RPipe Status", 
+              "get_wire_adapter_status":"Get Wire Adapter Status",
+              "set_rpipe_descriptor":"Set RPipe Descriptor", 
+              "set_rpipe_feature":"Set RPipe Feature",
+              "set_wire_adapter_feature":"Set Wire Adapter Feature", 
+              "reset_rpipe":"Reset RPipe",    }
+    def handleEvent(self,event):
+        cmd = WaControlDescriptorGroup()
+        cmd.decode(event)
+        event.pushDecoded( "%s" % cmd )
+        event.pushDecoded("WA Command (%s)" % self.dnames.get(cmd.request) )
+class WaEventDecoder():
+    def handleEvent(self,event):
+# TODO: finish this off
+        z = 0 + 0
+####################### SECURITY           #######################
+class SecurityControlDescriptorGroup(Struct.Group):
+    doffs = { "get_key":2, "set_key":2, "handshake1":6, "handshake2":6, 
+              "handshake3":6, "get_security_descriptor":2, "set_encryption":2,
+              "get_encryption":8, "set_connection_context":8, 
+              "set_security_data":2, "get_security_data":2, }
+    dlens = { "get_key":-1, "set_key":-1, "handshake1":-1, "handshake2":-1, 
+              "handshake3":-1, "get_security_descriptor":-1, "set_encryption":8,
+              "get_encryption":9, "set_connection_context":56, 
+              "set_security_data":-1, "get_security_data":-1, }
+    requests = Struct.EnumDict({
+        (0x80,0x06): "GET_DESCRIPTOR", # requires further differentiation
+        (0x00,0x07): "set_key",
+        (0x00,0x0f): "SET_HANDSHAKE", # requires further differentiation
+        (0x80,0x10): "handshake2",
+        (0x00,0x0d): "set_encryption",
+        (0x80,0x0e): "get_encryption",
+        (0x00,0x11): "set_connection_context",
+        (0x00,0x12): "set_security_data",
+        (0x80,0x13): "get_security_data",
+    })
+    struct_get_key = lambda self, n:(
+        Struct.UInt8("DescriptorType"),
+        Struct.UInt8("KeyIndex"),
+        Struct.UInt16("wIndex"),
+        Struct.UInt16("DescriptorLength"),
+        KeyDescriptor(n,"KeyDescriptor"),
+    )
+    struct_set_key = struct_get_key
+    struct_handshake1 = lambda self, n: (
+        Struct.UInt16("DataLength"),
+        ByteArray(n,"HandshakeData"),
+    )
+    struct_handshake2 = struct_handshake1
+    struct_handshake3 = struct_handshake1
+    struct_get_security_descriptor = lambda self, n: (
+        Struct.UInt16("DescriptorType"),
+        Struct.UInt16("wIndex"),
+        Struct.UInt16("DescriptorLength"),
+        ByteArray(n,"DescriptorData"),
+    )
+    struct_set_encryption = lambda self: (
+        Struct.UInt16("Encryptionvalue"),
+    )
+    struct_get_encryption = lambda self: (
+        Struct.UInt8("EncryptionValue"),
+    )
+    struct_set_connection_context = lambda self, n: (
+        ByteArray(n,"ConnectionContext"),
+    )
+    struct_set_security_data = lambda self, n: (
+        Struct.UInt16("DataNumber"),
+        Struct.UInt16("wIndex"),
+        Struct.UInt16("DataLength"),
+        ByteArray(n,"SecurityData"),
+    )
+    struct_set_rpipe_descriptor = lambda self, n: (
+        Struct.UInt16("DataNumber"),
+        Struct.UInt16("wIndex"),
+        Struct.UInt16("DataLength"),
+        ByteArray(n,"SecurityData"),
+    )
+    def __init__(self):
+        Struct.Group.__init__(self,"descriptors")
+    def decode(self,event):
+        # erase the default decoding
+        event.decoded = None
+        event.decodedSummary = None
+        setup = Decode.SetupPacket(event)
+        self.setup = setup
+        request = self.requests.get((setup.bitmap,setup.request))
+        assert(request)
+        # perfrorm any other differentiation necessary
+        if request == "GET_DESCRIPTOR":
+            if not setup.wValueHigh:
+                request = "get_security_descriptor"
+            else:
+                request = "get_key"
+        elif request == "SET_HANDSHAKE":
+            if setup.wValue == 1:
+                request = "handshake1"
+            else:
+                request = "handshake3"
+        self.request = request
+        # process data, if it exists
+        d = getattr(self, "struct_%s" % request, None)
+        if self.dlens[request] == -1:
+            n = setup.wLength
+            dr = d(n)
+        else:
+            dr = d()
+        offs = self.doffs.get(request)
+        Struct.Group.decode(self, event.data[offs:], dr)
+class SecurityControlDecoder(Decode.ControlDecoder):
+    dnames = { "get_key":"Get Key", 
+              "set_key":"Set Key",
+              "handshake1":"Handshake 1",
+              "handshake2":"Handshake 2",
+              "handshake3":"Handshake 3", 
+              "get_security_descriptor":"Get Security Descriptor",
+              "set_encryption":"Set Encryption",
+              "get_encryption":"Get Encryption",
+              "set_connection_context":"Set Connection Context", 
+              "set_security_data":"Set Security Data",
+              "get_security_data":"Get Security Data", }
+    def handleEvent(self,event):
+        cmd = SecurityControlDescriptorGroup()
+        cmd.decode(event)
+        event.pushDecoded( "%s" % cmd )
+        event.pushDecoded("Security Command (%s)" % self.dnames.get(cmd.request) )
+class SecurityEventDecoder():
+    def handleEvent(self,event):
+        z = 0 + 0
+####################### WIRELESS USB       #######################
+class WusbControlDecoder(Decode.ControlDecoder):
+    def handleEvent(self,event):
+        z = 0 + 0
+class WusbEventDecoder():
+    def handleEvent(self,event):
+        z = 0 + 0
+####################### CONTROL DISPATCHER #######################
+class ControlDispatcher(Decode.ControlDecoder):
+    def isUwbControlPacket(self,event):
+        setup = Decode.SetupPacket(event)
+        if UwbControlDescriptorGroup.requests.keys().__contains__( (setup.bitmap,setup.request) ):
+            return 1
+        return 0
+    def isHwaControlPacket(self,event):
+        setup = Decode.SetupPacket(event)
+        if HwaControlDescriptorGroup.requests.keys().__contains__( (setup.bitmap,setup.request) ):
+            return 1
+        return 0
+    def isDwaControlPacket(self,event):
+        setup = Decode.SetupPacket(event)
+        if DwaControlDescriptorGroup.requests.keys().__contains__( (setup.bitmap,setup.request) ):
+            return 1
+        return 0
+    def isWaControlPacket(self,event):
+        setup = Decode.SetupPacket(event)
+        if WaControlDescriptorGroup.requests.keys().__contains__( (setup.bitmap,setup.request) ):
+            return 1
+        return 0
+    def isSecurityControlPacket(self,event):
+        setup = Decode.SetupPacket(event)
+        if SecurityControlDescriptorGroup.requests.keys().__contains__( (setup.bitmap,setup.request) ):
+            return 1
+        return 0
+    def isWusbControlPacket(self,event):
+        rqs = (
+               (0x00,0x01),
+               (0x80,0x00),
+               (0x00,0x05),
+               (0x00,0x03),
+               (0x01,0x17),
+               (0x00,0x14),
+               (0x00,0x13),
+               (0x80,0x15),
+        )
+        setup = Decode.SetupPacket(event)
+        if rqs.__contains__( (setup.bitmap,setup.request) ):
+            return 1
+        return 0
+    def handleEvent(self, event):
+        if not event.isDataTransaction():
+            event.decoded = None
+            event.decodedSummary = None
+            return
+        x = None
+        for i in ( "Uwb", "Hwa", "Dwa", "Wa", "Wusb" ):
+            q1 = getattr(self, "is%sControlPacket" % i, None )
+            assert(callable(q1))
+            if q1(event):
+                q2 = getattr(sys.modules[globals()['__name__']],"%sControlDecoder" % i, None)
+                assert(callable(q2))
+                x = q2(self.device)
+                if x:
+                    break
+        if x is not None:
+            x.handleEvent(event)
+            return
+        ##############################################
+        # Fall back to the top-level control decoder #
+        ############################################## 
+        setup = Decode.SetupPacket(event)
+        # Look up the request name
+        setup.requestName = getattr(self, "%sRequests" % setup.type,
+                                    Struct.EnumDict())[setup.request]
+        # Look up a corresponding decoder
+        d = getattr(self, "decode_%s" % setup.requestName, self.decodeGeneric) 
+        d(setup)
+####################### DETECTOR FUNCTION ########################
+def detector(context):
+    # this is required for all 'Decoder' modules
+    dev = context.device
+    ep = context.endpoint
+    ifc = context.interface
+    devi = context.devInstance
+# TODO: config decoder needed for pretty-printing WUSB descriptors    
+    if dev:
+        (clazz,subclazz,proto) = (
+                      dev.bDeviceClass,
+                      dev.bDeviceSubClass,
+                      dev.bDeviceProtocol,
+                      )
+    else:
+        clazz = subclazz = proto = None
+    # We hijack the default control decoder for wire adapter peripherals
+    # so that we can do the control routing ourselves (better) 
+    if (clazz,subclazz,proto) == (239,2,2) and not ep:
+        devi.controlDecoder = ControlDispatcher(devi)
+        devi.endpointDecoders[0] = devi.controlDecoder
+        return
+    # Cable-Based Association interfaces get their own special treatment        
+    if ifc:
+        (clazz,proto,subclazz) = (
+            ifc.bInterfaceClass,
+            ifc.bInterfaceSubClass,
+            ifc.bInterfaceProtocol,
+        )
+        if (clazz,proto,subclazz) == (239,3,1):
+# TODO: finish this off
+            print 'CableBasedAssociation'
+    # We respond with event decoders for interrupt endpoints
+    if ifc and ep:
+        (clazz,subclazz,proto,attr) = (
+            ifc.bInterfaceClass,
+            ifc.bInterfaceSubClass,
+            ifc.bInterfaceProtocol,
+            ep.bmAttributes & 0x03,
+        )
+        if (clazz,subclazz,proto,attr) == (224,1,2,3):
+            return UwbEventDecoder()
+        elif (clazz,subclazz,proto,attr) == (224,2,1,3):
+# TODO: finish this off
+            print 'HwaEventDecoder'
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