RE: [PATCH v1] USB: serial: ftdi_sio: add support for Altera USB Blaster 3

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> I assume it's either an FT2243 or an FT4232 and not both?

Hi John, you are right, it is either FT2243 or FT4232. Will re-word that

> Can you say something more about these devices? I guess they are used for
> programming FPGAs? Are they embedded in other products? 

There are 2 type of designs, USB Blaster 3 cable or On-Board USB Blaster 3.
They are mainly used to connect debug or configuration software. Supported host
software includes Quartus programmer, System Console, SignalTap, 
Nios debugger.

> And can the
> same PID be used for more than one type of device that they are embedded
> in?
> Or are the PIDs tied to different types of "USB Blaster 3"s? If so this, should
> also be reflected in the naming of the defines.

The PID is associated with how the ports are connected, and
which FDTI Chip are used for example:

PID: 0x6020
Description: One JTAG Port
FTDI Chip FT2232
Port A: USB Blaster 3
Port B: Not used

PID: 0x6021
Description: Two JTAG Port
FTDI Chip FT2232
Port A: USB Blaster 3
Port B: USB Blaster 3


PID: 0x602E
Description: One JTAG Port + UART (Port B, C, D)
FTDI Chip FT2232
Port A: USB Blaster 3
Port B: UART
Port C: UART 
Port D: UART

> This is a generic Altera VID so should just be name ALTERA_VID.

Will update in the next version.

> > +#define ALTR_UB3_6022_PID		0x6022
> > +#define ALTR_UB3_6025_PID		0x6025
> > +#define ALTR_UB3_6026_PID		0x6026
> > +#define ALTR_UB3_6029_PID		0x6029
> > +#define ALTR_UB3_602A_PID		0x602A
> > +#define ALTR_UB3_602C_PID		0x602C
> > +#define ALTR_UB3_602D_PID		0x602D
> > +#define ALTR_UB3_602E_PID		0x602E
> Please use lower case hex notation consistently for the values here.

Will update in the next version.

> But depending on the answer to my questions above, either these defines
> should be renamed to reflect the Blaster type or product they are part of, or
> just be dropped.

The PID are not tied to specific product, however it is tied with how the Port are connected
and how which FDTI chip are used. (FT2243 or FT4232).

> Johan

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