Re: So, I had to revert d6d458d42e1 ("Handle DisplayPort tunnel activation asynchronously") too, to stop my resume crashes

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On 3/4/25 05:51, Mika Westerberg wrote:

It only happens if you have TBT dock and the NVMe connected and you
disconnect them while the system is suspended. I suggest trying that a
couple times and see if that happens. For me it
happened pretty much on first suspend cycle.

So I've tried it twice again today-

1 - CalDigit dock, NVMe adaptor. Put it to sleep, disconnected everything, even waited a while (call me crazy, but I swear how long the system is suspended seems to make a difference). Opened the lid, and it came right up.

2 - CalDigit dock, NVMe adaptor. Hibernated, drove to clients' offices. Resumed, came up OK.

Now I'm curious what difference the "4. Authorize both PCIe tunnels, verify devices are there." makes to your system, as I have "boltd" running and that handles it for me.

Tell ya what- if Linus pushes anything to master today, I'll pull/build/boot it and since the TB dyndbg is on, I'll post the dmesg from the runs so you can see them when you get in tomorrow.


Kenneth R. Crudup / Sr. SW Engineer, Scott County Consulting, Orange County CA

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