[Bug 219773] External USB disk drive and SSD corruption while connected to USB 3 ports.

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Michał Pecio (michal.pecio@xxxxxxxxx) changed:

           What    |Removed                     |Added
                 CC|                            |michal.pecio@xxxxxxxxx

--- Comment #5 from Michał Pecio (michal.pecio@xxxxxxxxx) ---

1. According to your dmesg snippet UAS was already disabled back then.

2. AFAIK usb-storage uses device reset to recover from various errors, maybe
this is simply a matter of poor USB link quality. Try:

echo 'func handle_tx_event +p' >/proc/dynamic_debug/control

3. Corruption sounds bad. Is it reproducible, i.e. you write more data and more
problems show up? Are things still broken when the disk is read by other

4. Does the same disk work any better on other machines?

5. FYI, some buggy USB SATA bridges report smaller than actual capacity, which
can cause problems with reading GPT tables at the end of the disk.

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