Re: [PATCH 2/3] drivers: usb: serial: mos7840: added optimized register setups for common baudrates.

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On Thu, Oct 24, 2024 at 06:09:03PM +0800, Tony Chung wrote:
> added optimized register setups for common baudrates.

First, how did you determine the base clocks here? Do you have access to
some documentation or did you just measure them?

These are all derived from the internal PLL IIUC?

> Signed-off-by: Tony Chung <tony467913@xxxxxxxxx>
> ---
>  drivers/usb/serial/mos7840.c | 114 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
>  1 file changed, 111 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)
> diff --git a/drivers/usb/serial/mos7840.c b/drivers/usb/serial/mos7840.c
> index 362875a53..acc16737b 100644
> --- a/drivers/usb/serial/mos7840.c
> +++ b/drivers/usb/serial/mos7840.c
> @@ -1063,11 +1063,116 @@ static int mos7840_calc_baud_rate_divisor(struct usb_serial_port *port,
>  {
>  	dev_dbg(&port->dev, "%s - %d\n", __func__, baudRate);
> -	if (baudRate <= 115200) {
> +	// divisor = (256*DLM)+DLL
> +	// baudrate = InputCLK/(16*Divisor)

Style nit: Please avoid using c99 comments (here and below), just use a
block comment here and add spaces around the operators.

> +	if (baudRate == 50) {
> +		*divisor = (256*0x09)+0x04; // DLM=0x09, DLL=0x04
> +		*clk_sel_val = 0x0;	    // clock source = 1.846153846M
> +	} else if (baudRate == 75) {
> +		*divisor = (256*0x06)+0x02; // DLM=0x06, DLL=0x02
> +		*clk_sel_val = 0x0;	    // clock source = 1.846153846M
> +	} else if (baudRate == 110) {
> +		*divisor = (256*0x04)+0x19; // DLM=0x04, DLL=0x19
> +		*clk_sel_val = 0x0;	    // clock source = 1.846153846M
> +	} else if (baudRate == 134) {
> +		*divisor = (256*0x03)+0x5d; // DLM=0x03, DLL=0x5d
> +		*clk_sel_val = 0x0;	    // clock source = 1.846153846M
> +	} else if (baudRate == 150) {
> +		*divisor = (256*0x03)+0x01; // DLM=0x03, DLL=0x01
> +		*clk_sel_val = 0x0;	    // clock source = 1.846153846M
> +	} else if (baudRate == 300) {
> +		*divisor = (256*0x01)+0x81; // DLM=0x01, DLL=0x81
> +		*clk_sel_val = 0x0;	    // clock source = 1.846153846M
> +	} else if (baudRate == 600) {
> +		*divisor = 0xc0;		// DLM=0, DLL=0xc0
> +		*clk_sel_val = 0x0;		// clock source = 1.846153846M
> +	} else if (baudRate == 1200) {
> +		*divisor = 0x60;		// DLM=0, DLL=0x60
> +		*clk_sel_val = 0x0;		// clock source = 1.846153846M
> +	} else if (baudRate == 1800) {
> +		*divisor = 0x40;		// DLM=0, DLL=0x40
> +		*clk_sel_val = 0x0;		// clock source = 1.846153846M
> +	} else if (baudRate == 2400) {
> +		*divisor = 0x30;		// DLM=0, DLL=0x30
> +		*clk_sel_val = 0x0;		// clock source = 1.846153846M
> +	} else if (baudRate == 4800) {
> +		*divisor = 0x18;		// DLM=0, DLL=0x18
> +		*clk_sel_val = 0x0;		// clock source = 1.846153846M
> +	} else if (baudRate == 7200) {
> +		*divisor = 0x10;		// DLM=0, DLL=0x10
> +		*clk_sel_val = 0x0;		// clock source = 1.846153846M
> +	} else if (baudRate == 9600) {
> +		*divisor = 0x0c;		// DLM=0, DLL=0x0c
> +		*clk_sel_val = 0x0;		// clock source = 1.846153846M
> +	} else if (baudRate == 14400) {
> +		*divisor = 0x08;		// DLM=0, DLL=0x08
> +		*clk_sel_val = 0x0;		// clock source = 1.846153846M
> +	} else if (baudRate == 19200) {
> +		*divisor = 0x06;		// DLM=0, DLL=0x06
> +		*clk_sel_val = 0x0;		// clock source = 1.846153846M
> +	} else if (baudRate == 28800) {
> +		*divisor = 0x04;		// DLM=0, DLL=0x04
> +		*clk_sel_val = 0x0;		// clock source = 1.846153846M
> +	} else if (baudRate == 38400) {
> +		*divisor = 0x03;		// DLM=0, DLL=0x03
> +		*clk_sel_val = 0x0;		// clock source = 1.846153846M
> +	} else if (baudRate == 57600) {
> +		*divisor = 0x02;		// DLM=0, DLL=0x02
> +		*clk_sel_val = 0x0;		// clock source = 1.846153846M
> +	} else if (baudRate == 115200) {
> +		*divisor = 0x01;		// DLM=0, DLL=0x01
> +		*clk_sel_val = 0x0;		// clock source = 1.846153846M
> +	} else if (baudRate == 230400) {
> +		*divisor = 0x01;		// DLM=0, DLL=0x01
> +		*clk_sel_val = 0x10;	// clock source = 3.692307692M
> +	} else if (baudRate == 460800) {
> +		*divisor = 0x01;		// DLM=0, DLL=0x01
> +		*clk_sel_val = 0x30;	// clock source = 7.384615384M
> +	} else if (baudRate == 806400) {
> +		*divisor = 0x01;		// DLM=0, DLL=0x01
> +		*clk_sel_val = 0x40;	// clock source = 12.923076922M
> +	} else if (baudRate == 921600) {
> +		*divisor = 0x01;		// DLM=0, DLL=0x01
> +		*clk_sel_val = 0x50;	// clock source = 14.769230768M
> +	} else if (baudRate == 25000) {
> +		*divisor = 0x78;		// DLM=0, DLL=0x78
> +		*clk_sel_val = 0x70;	// clock source=48M
> +	} else if (baudRate == 50000) {
> +		*divisor = 0x3c;		// DLM=0, DLL=0x3c
> +		*clk_sel_val = 0x70;	// clock source=48M
> +	} else if (baudRate == 75000) {
> +		*divisor = 0x28;		// DLM=0, DLL=0x28
> +		*clk_sel_val = 0x70;	// clock source=48M
> +	} else if (baudRate == 100000) {
> +		*divisor = 0x1e;		// DLM=0, DLL=0x1e
> +		*clk_sel_val = 0x70;	// clock source=48M
> +	} else if (baudRate == 250000) {
> +		*divisor = 0x0c;		// DLM=0, DLL=0x0c
> +		*clk_sel_val = 0x70;	// clock source=48M
> +	} else if (baudRate == 300000) {
> +		*divisor = 0x0a;		// DLM=0, DLL=0x0a
> +		*clk_sel_val = 0x70;	// clock source=48M
> +	} else if (baudRate == 500000) {
> +		*divisor = 0x06;		// DLM=0, DLL=0x06
> +		*clk_sel_val = 0x70;	// clock source=48M
> +	} else if (baudRate == 600000) {
> +		*divisor = 0x05;		// DLM=0, DLL=0x05
> +		*clk_sel_val = 0x70;	// clock source=48M
> +	} else if (baudRate == 1000000) {
> +		*divisor = 0x03;		// DLM=0, DLL=0x03
> +		*clk_sel_val = 0x70;	// clock source=48M
> +	} else if (baudRate == 3000000) {
> +		*divisor = 0x01;		// DLM=0, DLL=0x01
> +		*clk_sel_val = 0x70;	// clock source=48M
> +
> +	} else if (baudRate == 1500000) {
> +		*divisor = 0x01;		// DLM=0, DLL=0x01
> +		*clk_sel_val = 0x60;	// clock source=24M
> +

You should be able to determine at least most of the above by just
calculating the divisors from the base clocks. Perhaps you need a lookup
table as well to determine which base to use in some cases too.

Note sure we need to add non-standard rates like 25000 etc either.

> +	} else if (baudRate <= 115200) {
>  		*divisor = 115200 / baudRate;
>  		*clk_sel_val = 0x0;
> -	}
> -	if ((baudRate > 115200) && (baudRate <= 230400)) {
> +	} else if ((baudRate > 115200) && (baudRate <= 230400)) {
>  		*divisor = 230400 / baudRate;
>  		*clk_sel_val = 0x10;
>  	} else if ((baudRate > 230400) && (baudRate <= 403200)) {
> @@ -1088,6 +1193,9 @@ static int mos7840_calc_baud_rate_divisor(struct usb_serial_port *port,
>  	} else if ((baudRate > 1572864) && (baudRate <= 3145728)) {
>  		*divisor = 3145728 / baudRate;
>  		*clk_sel_val = 0x70;
> +	} else {
> +		dev_dbg(&port->dev, "func: %s -baudrate %d not supported.\n", __func__, baudRate);

Here you could drop "func: %s -" and the period, if you need this at

> +		return -1;

The calling code does not check for errors, so either fix that or,
better still, make sure the function always returns a valid divisor
(e.g. by making sure the input rate is always valid).

>  	}
>  	return 0;
>  }


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