--- Comment #10 from Kaukov (kaukov.peter@xxxxx) --- > There's like a 3% difference between Windows and Linux results for this > benchmark though Windows has two times better min fps. Yes, but that is a one-off case. The performance otherwise is abysmal. > First is that the real PCIe link to the 06:00 eGPU device is running on > limited bandwidth: This automatically adjusts to 8GT/s, Width x4 when actively using the eGPU. On AMD I couldn't get it to run past 2.5GT/s but I'll try with the new kernel parameters when I have an AMD GPU at hand. After further testing and setting `pcie_aspm.policy=performance` and `intel_iommu=off`, nothing changed. The performance in games is still abysmal and unplayable. I'll attach my lspci and dmesg logs again, after running Baldur's Gate 3 via Proton Experimental and on DX11. Could this be a Wine/DXVK/Vulkan issue and not a kernel issue? Although OP stated that when running via a PCIe M.2 x4 link no issues occur. -- You may reply to this email to add a comment. You are receiving this mail because: You are watching the assignee of the bug.