Dear Mr. Kroah-Hartman, on github I saw that you are developping the usbip project. I have a problematic issue here when connecting a hid device (connecting from linux to linux). This issue does not exist on the windows server version of usbip (usbipd-win github project) where I also contacted the developer for more invastigating, because this developer has a big knowledge and also had solved such cases. You can find the open issue here trying to detect what causes this issue: As you can see there, I already have attached usbmon captures too: Perhaps the developer of usbpid-win project has given an idea or answer to solve this issue: Eventually this has to be fixed in or here? Could you look at this issue please and tell if there is a chance to fix it? Or is it possible to build/compile an own version of usbip server with some code fixing and if yes what file should be affected with a fix in which line of code (perhaps it is only a timeout issue and needs somewhere a sleep of some milliseconds after the attaching process)? If this issue has something to do with a timeout to set after he attaching was done, one can think of a new parameter in usbip command which tells to wait some milliseconds to wait. Regrads Daniel Krüger