Re: usb: dwc2: gadget: high-bandwidth (mc > 1) status?

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Dne 26. 11. 21 v 10:49 Minas Harutyunyan napsal(a):
On 11/26/2021 12:53 PM, Pavel Hofman wrote:
Dne 26. 11. 21 v 7:35 Minas Harutyunyan napsal(a):
Hi Pavel,

On 11/25/2021 12:47 PM, Pavel Hofman wrote:

Dne 24. 11. 21 v 15:04 Minas Harutyunyan napsal(a):
Hi Pavel,

On 11/24/2021 11:39 AM, Pavel Hofman wrote:
Hi Minas at all,

Please does dwc2 (specifically in BCM2835/RPi) support HS ISOC
transactions mc > 1 reliably? I found this condition*L4041__;Iw!!A4F2R9G_pg!MMNE6CYvWEFeWt8W9pImwNA-N4_04U8UsBWQmu9O9Bwq1HalCAupyb9kzGBAOOMlKmt6xefz$

        /* High bandwidth ISOC OUT in DDMA not supported */
        if (using_desc_dma(hsotg) && ep_type ==
            !dir_in && mc > 1) {
                "%s: ISOC OUT, DDMA: HB not supported!\n", __func__);
            return -EINVAL;

But I do not know how the Descriptor DMA is critical and whether
disabling it will affect gadget performance seriously.

I know about the RX FIFO sizing requirement (and TX FIFO too I guess),
the current default values can be increased for that particular use
if needed.

I am trying to learn if it made sense to spend time on adding support
for high-bandwidth to the UAC2 audio gadget  to allow using larger
bInterval and mc=2,3 at high samplerates/channel counts (sort of
mode" similar to UAC3). When doing some CPU-demanding DSP it would
to avoid the time-critical handling every 125us microframe. Both
OUT and
IN are important.

According programming guide:

"Isochronous OUT Transfers
The application programming for isochronous out transfers is in the
manner as Bulk OUT transfer sequence, except that the application
creates only 1 packet per descriptor for an isochronous OUT endpoint.
The controller handles isochronous OUT transfers internally in the same
way it handles Bulk OUT transfers, and as depicted in Figure 10-28.
If the transfers are for a high-bandwidth endpoint (more than one MPS
per μframe ), create as many descriptors as the number of packets in a
μframe (number of descriptors = number of packets per μframe).
Maximum number of descriptors per μframe per endpoint is three."

To program descriptors to start HB ISOC OUT there are no any problem.
Problem occurs on completions. If, for example mc > 1, driver will
allocate and program mc * (request count) descriptors. If host send mc
packets per frame then every mc descriptor perform request
completion is
not big problem. But if host will send less than mc packets in frame
then not clear how to exclude unused descriptors from desc chain which
already fetched by core - by stop transfers (disable EP) and re-start
transfers (fill again desc chain) from next frame? Or purge unused
and shifting descriptors "up" in a chain? You can try to implement.
Hi Minas, thanks for your hints. Unfortunately I am pretty new to dwc2,
please can you point me to particular parts of the dwc2 code?

I found some dwc2 description which reads your quote in;!!A4F2R9G_pg!Jg2wfkRUfyO2jrnLXmO7zO5W0Esw-TTgETCTe5mqtpub1mAmDY7QnixT8HmYyTp0rb_ac7Ot$

(not for BCM2835 but hopefully the principle is similar). IIUC by
descriptor the struct dwc2_dma_decs is meant.

Yes, descriptors declared in dwc2 as dwc2_dma_desc.

I found a function gadget.c:dwc2_gadget_fill_isoc_desc which is called
in dwc2_gadget_start_isoc_ddma and dwc2_hsotg_ep_queue. Is the code
after the /* High bandwidth ISOC OUT in DDMA not supported */ comment in
gadget.c:dwc2_hsotg_ep_enable() because the dwc2 core (the hardware)
does not support HB in DDMA, or because the linux dwc2 driver does not
implement the HB support in DDMA yet (which is what we are talking
HW supports HB ISOC OUT in DDMA, driver doesn't support. In mentioned by
you databook, see chapter " Isochronous OUT".
I am asking because if the HW did not support DDMA, the method
dwc2_gadget_start_isoc_ddma would be out of game for my analysis, right?
If the latter is the case, should the HB support implementation change

To support HB ISOC OUT should be updated dwc2_gadget_fill_isoc_desc()
and dwc2_gadget_complete_isoc_request_ddma() functions.

Please can you explain a bit more the issue about the unused
descriptors? This is how I understand it (poorly). The driver prepares
descriptors for all mc required by the transfer (and reported by
wMaxPacketSize to the host) so that the core (HW) can fill it via DMA.
However, if the host does not need the whole packet size, it will send
fewer packets per frame, and some of the dwc2_dma_decs descriptors would
not be filled with data = unused. The core (HW) somehow marks the
descriptors whether they were used or not, and the unused descriptors
(i.e. containing old/bogus data) should not undergo completion somehow.
Core doesn't mark unused descriptors.
Driver can detect that it is last packet in frame by checking DPID. If
DPID is DATA0 then it's last packet in frame and need to complete
appropriate usb request.
After completion of descriptor, core will process next descriptor which
is prepared for just completed usb request but not for next request (at
least from "buffer addresses" point of view).
In case if packet count sent by host in frame less than mc, driver
should exclude remaining descs for completed usb request from descriptor
list by "shifting up" descs in descriptor list. But I'm not sure that
driver have enough time to do that before core fetch next descriptor,
which should be already updated (at least "buffer address" should be
point to address for next usb request).

But this sounds too simple, not what you described in your post :-)

Also, please when are completion interrupt requests thrown at ISOC OUT?
After every packet=desc, or after the whole USB frame (i.e. after all 3
packets in case of mc=3)? If after every packet, the HB mode with larger
bInterval (less frequent frames with multiple packets) would not spare
any interrupts/CPU load compared to more frequent frames with single
packets (no HB mode) and adding the HB ISOC support would "only" allow
higher ISOC bandwidth, not CPU load reduction. What is the case, please?
Completion interrupt asserted on the end of descriptor processing, if
IOC (Interrupt on completion) bit is set. For HB ISOC OUT this bit
should be set on all descriptors.
Minas, thanks for your expert answer. Just a quick question regarding
your previous paragraph - does it mean that ISOC OUT with mc=2 at
bInterval=2 yields 8k completion IRQs, just like with mc=1 at
bInterval=1? If so, no real CPU workload would be spared by implementing
the HB support.
Yes, if IOC bit set for all descriptors. For HB ISOC OUT per me should
be set in all descriptors.

Is there any chance to complete all descriptors filled in one frame with
one IRQ, by setting the IOC bit only to the last descriptor?
Because of host can send less packets than mc then in this case we can
miss frame/usb request completion. I mean, data from next frame will be
DMA-ed to buffer dedicated for previous frame (unused descriptor).

This is a very non-expert idea: The ISOC stream starts upon switching altsetting from 0. It's very unlikely the host would change number of packets sent per frame within one altsetting (maybe?). The first desc set would have the IOC bit set for all descriptors corresponding to the wMaxPacketSize mc value. Upon completing all descriptors from the first frame in the "stream" (i.e. after the altsetting was changed) and detecting which frames were not completed/used, the scheduling method would learn how many packets are actually used by the host in that specific stream run. For the next packet it would schedule only appropriate number of descriptors, and set the IOC bit only for the last desc. Upon "resetting" the stream by switching back to altsetting 0 the "logic" would reset, running the packet count detection at start of the next "stream" again.
Could theoretically something like this work (likely in co-operation 
with a specific gadget function)?
Thanks a lot for your patience :-)

Best regards,


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