Hello, I am getting the error "GET_CURRENT_CAM command failed" each time that I start my laptop. After track down a little bit this message I could find that this has something to do with some ucsi version check: https://elixir.bootlin.com/linux/v5.11.18/source/drivers/usb/typec/ucsi/ucsi.c#L203 I think that that the message should be out of the conditional "if (con->ucsi->version > 0x0100) {", so the error is logged when actually happens. I am supposing that case version > 01.00 it should just return without update the curr altmode. Also, I was wondering why only versions under 01.00 are supported to update their active altmode. The command looks the same in the specs, why it fails?... About my set up, I am using two external daisy chained DP monitors connected to a single USB-C hub without too much problem... just from time to time when waking up the monitors doesn't turn on and I have to disconnect and connect the hub but not sure if this is related to this. Kind regards, Rafa