Dear USB devs, I have a question regarding GPIO support for the Silicon Labs cp210x USB serial driver. Silicon Labs provides GPIOs on the CP210x USB serial hardware. Silicon Labs also supplies a version of the cp210x driver which provides ioctl() support allowing control of these GPIOs. Support of the ioctl() requires adding some additional code to read the specific cp210x chip version, as GPIO support varies across the product line. My question is: do you know why this GPIO support hasn't been integrated into the mainline kernel? Is it just Silicon Labs being lazy, or is there a technical reason this vendor-specific extension has been left out? Our application uses one of these GPIOs and we prefer to submit all our required changes upstream to simplify future maintenance. If there is no technical or stylistic objection that you know of I will prepare a patch based on Silicon Lab's implementation. The Silicon Labs driver is available here: best, John. -- To unsubscribe from this list: send the line "unsubscribe linux-usb" in the body of a message to majordomo@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx More majordomo info at